CS3000: Algorithms & Data



This schedule will be updated frequently—check back often!

# Date Topic Reading HW
1 M 1/7 Course Overview, Induction
2 W 1/9 Stable Matching: Gale-Shapley Algorithm, Proof by Contradiction
Slides: Unannotated. Annotated
KT 1.1,1.2,2.3 HW1 Out (pdf, tex)
3 M 1/14 Stable Matching, Asymptotic Analysis, Insertion Sort
Slides: Unannotated. Annotated
KT 2.1-2.2 ---
4 W 1/16 Divide and Conquer: Mergesort
Slides: Unannotated. Annotated
KT 5.1, 5.2
Erickson II.1-3
HW1 Due
-- M 1/21 No Class (MLK Birthday) --- ---
5 W 1/23 Divide and Conquer: Mergesort, Recurrences
Slides: Unannotated Annotated
--- HW2 Out (pdf, tex)
6 M 1/28 Divide and Conquer: Karatsuba
Slides: Unannotated. Annotated
KT 5.5, 5.4
7 W 1/30 Divide and Conquer: Binary Search. Dynamic Programming: Key Concepts, Interval Scheduling
Slides: Unannotated Annotated
HW2 Due
HW3 Out (pdf, tex, Images for tex)
8 M 2/4 Dynamic Programming: Key Concepts, Interval Scheduling
Slides: Unannotated Annotated.
KT 6.1-6.2 ---
9 W 2/6 Dynamic Programming: Interval Scheduling
Slides: Unannotated Annotated
KT 6.3-6.4 HW3 Due
10 M 2/11 Dynamic Programming: Knapsack
Slides: Unannotated Annotated
KT 6.5-6.7 ---
11 W 2/13 Midterm I Review
Slides: Annotated
-- M 2/18 No Class (Presidents' Day) --- ---
-- W 2/20 Midterm I (In Class) --- HW4 Out (pdf,tex)
12 M 2/25 Graph Algorithms: Graphs, BFS
Slides: Unannotated Annotated
KT 3.1-3.4
13 W 2/27 Graph Algorithms: Breadth First Search
Slides: Unannotated Annotated
KT 3.5-3.6 HW4 Due
*REVISED* HW5 Out (pdf, tex)
-- M 3/4 No Class (Spring break) --- ---
-- W 3/6 No Class (Spring break) --- ---
14 M 3/11 Graph Algorithms: 2-Coloring, Connected Components, DFS
Slides:Unannotated Annotated
KT 4.4, 2.5 ---
15 W 3/13 Graph Algorithms: Depth First Search, Topological Ordering
Slides: Unannotated Annotated
--- HW5 Due
HW6 Out (pdf, tex)
16 M 3/18 Graph Algorithms: Correctness of Dijkstra's Algorithm
Slides: Unannotated Annotated
KT 6.8-6.10 ---
17 W 3/20 Graph Algorithms: Implementation of Dijkstra's Algorithm
Slides: Unannotated Annotated
KT 6.8-6.10 HW6 Due
18 M 3/25 Midterm II Review
Slides: Unannotated Annotated
--- ---
-- W 3/27 Midterm II (In Class) --- ---
19 M 4/1 Bellman-Ford Algorithm.
Slides: Unannotated Annotated
KT 7.1-7.2 ---
20 W 4/3 None
HW7 Out (pdf, tex)
21 M 4/8 Network Flow: Flows, Cuts, Augmenting Paths
Slides: Unannotated Annotated
KT 7.5-7.6 ---
22 W 4/10 Network Flow: Choosing Good Augmenting Paths
Slides: Unannotated Annotated
KT 7.8-7.12 HW7 Due
HW8 Out (pdf, tex)
-- M 4/15 No Class (Patriots' Day) --- ---
--- W 4/17 Final Review. Unannotated Annotated --- HW8 Due
-- R 4/25 Final Exam (Churchill Hall 103, 1-3PM) --- ---