CS5800 Algorithms Section 4, SUMMER 2024

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* Schedule and materials subject to change
Week / Module Topic / Lecture Other Reading Assignment
  • 5/6 - 5/13

  • Administrative, Intro (CLRS ch1, ch2)
  • Introduction, Example Problems
  • Fibonacci numbers
  • Orders of Growth (CLRS ch3)

Slides: Fibonacci, Strassen, 2 Lists

Recap. These math topics are prerequisites:
Discrete Math (Undergrad Honors)

  • Background/prerequisites:
  • * math
  • * datastructures : arrays, trees, lists
  • * pseudocode/ imperative programming
  • * sorting : mergesort, insertionsort

Order of growth table

Podcast : Strassen Matrix Multiplication (adobe pdf)
Podcast: Fibonacci Matrix Exponentiation(adobe pdf)

 EC: math problems

  • 5/13 - 5/20

  (CLRS ch 4)
  Notes: Recurrences
 Example: Iteration Method
 Notes: Master Theorem
Examples: Master Theorem

 Slides : Recurrences

Wikipedia: Divide and Conquer

Extended Master Theorem

slides: Linear Reccurences

  • 5/20 - 5/27

  • InsertionSort
  • MergeSort
  • HeapSort (CLRS ch6)
  • QuickSort (CLRS ch7)

Slides: Sorting part A

Sorting Animation

QuickSort Analysis Avg Case

podcast: QuickSort

Algorithms Thinking Session Notes (optional)

  • 5/27 - 6/3

  • QuickSort, Partition (CLRS ch7)

  • Counting Sort, Radix Sort (CLRS ch8)
  • Sorting bounds

  • Median, order statistics (CLRS ch9)

Slides: Sorting part B

  • 6/3 - 6/10

Greedy Algorithms (ch 16)
Sub-problem Structure for Greedy

Lecture Notes: Greedy
Notes: Greedy Techniques
Wikipedia: Greedy
Slides : Greedy

podcast: Subproblem Optimal Structure

podcast: Fractional Knapsack

podcast: Activity Selection Problem
  • 6/10 - 6/17

Greedy VS Dynamic Programming (ch 15)
Sub-problem Structure for DynProg

Notes: Coin change
Notes: CheckBoard
Notes: Discrete Knapsack

Slides : DP1
podcast: discrete knapsack
podcast: coin change
podcast: check board

  • 6/17 - 6/24

Dynamic Programming (ch 15)

Notes: LCS
Notes: Matrix Chain Multiplication

Slides: DP2
SlidesDP2 + Optimal BST

  • 10/25 - 11/1
  • Week 8 / Dynamic Programming
  • Lecture 8 Notes

    SAT 6/29 MIDTERM 10AM-6PM
    - room WVG 108
    - open notes/book/HWs first 90 minutes
    - cheatsheet 4 pages/2 sheets allowed whole exam

Dynamic Programming (ch 15)
DP problems as DAG Shortest Paths (Notes)

  • 7/1 - 7/8
Week 9/ Recap Simple DataStructures

Optional class Mon 7/1 : The Midterm problems
  • Simple DataStructures Review (CLRS ch10, 12)
    • 7 / 8 - 15
    Week 10/ DataStructures
    Trees and Hashes
    Lecture 9 notes

    • Hash Tables (ch 11)
    • RB trees (ch13)

     Hash, RB Tree Slides
    Skiplists   Note ;   Slides ;   Visualizer

     podcast: hash tables
    • 7 /15 - 22

    • 7/22 - 29
    • Week 12 / Graphs I
    • Graps Intro, BFS, DFS
    • DAGs
    • Strongly Connected Components

    • Lecture 11 notes

    • Graphs Intro (ch 22)
    • Minimum Spanning Trees (ch 23)


    Podcast: DFS
    Podcast: SCC
    Podcast: MST
    • 7/29 - 8/5

    • SSSP:  Bellman Ford
    • SSSP:  Dijkstra

     ASSP: DP by edges
     ASSP: DP by vertices (Floyd Warshall)


    • 8 / 5-12

    • Week 14 / Graphs III,
    • Network Flows

    Lecture 13 notes

    • SP
    • Network Flow
    • MaxFlow-MinCut Theorem
    • Ford-Fulkerson


    max Flow Slides

    Push-relabel slides
    Push Relabel text : Use CLRS 3rd edition

     Podcast: MaxFlow

    • FINAL EXAM, WED Aug 14, 9AM-3PM
      room TBD

    open notes/book/HWs first 90 minutes

    cheatsheet 4 pages allowed whole exam

    • Optional / Linear Programming

  • NetFlow: Push-Relabel
  • RSA Math Notes: Number Theory
    Slides: RSA

    • Optional / Advanced Topics (optional)
    • NP-complete Problems, Approx Algorithms, RSA