CS 6140: Machine Learning - Fall 2021

Time & Location:

2:50 - 4:30pm Eastern Time, Mondays and Wednesdays, Location: Mugar 201


Instructor: Paul Hand
Email: p.hand@northeastern.edu     Office Hours: Mondays 1:30 - 2:30 PM, Fridays 3-4 PM, and by appointment. These will be held over Zoom

TA: Daniel Goldfarb
Email: goldfarb.d@northeastern.edu     Office Hours: Every other Tuesday 1-3 PM

TA: Anushka Patil
Email: patil.anu@northeastern.edu     Office Hours: Fridays 12-1 PM

TA: Jorio Cocola
Email: cocola.j@northeastern.edu     Office Hours: Every other Tuesday 1-3 PM

Course Description and Goals

Machine learning is the study and design of algorithms, which enable computers/machines to learn from data. This course is an introduction to machine learning. It provides a broad view of models and algorithms, discusses their methodological foundations, as well as issues of practical implementation, use, and techniques for assessing the performance. At the end of the course the students will (1) understand and implement common machine learning methods, (2) recognize the problems that are amenable to machine learning, and perform appropriate data analysis, and (3) recognize failure points and threats to validity of the results.

Student Work:

Student work will involve the following four categories: Details:

There will be eight homework assignments. Odd numbered assignments will be theoretical in nature. Even numbered assignments will be computational in nature. Assignments must be uploaded to Gradescope. You may type your responses or handwrite them. You can upload a pdf or individual photographs of each page of hand written work. For computational assignments, you must write your solutions as a Jupyter notebook and include a pdf of the Jupyter notebook as part of your submission.

Midterm I and Midterm II will be take-home exams. They will be posted at noon on exam day and will be due by noon on the following day. You may type your responses or handwrite them. You can upload a pdf or individual photographs of each page of handwritten work. The exams will not involve writing code. You are expected to work individually on the exams. You may consult books and/or the internet, but you may not consult other people.

The Project will be on a topic of your choosing. You will be able to choose a project of one of the following forms: (a) Select a dataset and a machine learning task and solve the machine learning task in at least two different ways; (b) Select a paper about machine learning and implement the described method and at least one baseline.

Course grades:

Course grades will be based on: 35% HW, 20% Midterm I, 20% Midterm II, 25% Project.
Letter grades will be assigned on the following scale: 93%+ A, 90-92% A-, 87-89 B+, 83-87% B, 80-82% B-, 77-79 C+, 73-77% C, 70-72% C-,60-70% D, 0-59% F.


Official course prerequisites are CS 5800 or CS 7800 with a minimum grade of C-. These pre-requisites will not be enforced, and you can take course at your own risk. The mathematical literacy (multivariable calculus, probability, linear algebra) and computational literacy (programing languages such as R, Python or MATLAB) at the beginner graduate student level is required.

Course Materials:

Primary textbooks:
Elements of Statistical Learning. T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani and J. Friedman, Springer, 2009. Corrected 12th printing.
Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective. Kevin P. Murphy, MIT Press, 2012.
Machine Learning with TensorFlow. Second Edition. C. Mattmann, Manning Publishing, 2020.

Optional textbooks:
An Introduction to Statistical Learning. G. James, D. Witten, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, Springer 2013.
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. C. M. Bishop, Springer 2006.
Machine Learning. T. Mitchell, McGraw-Hill, 1997.

Day Date HW Class Will Be On: Readings
1 W 9/8 Introduction to Machine Learning (Notes) Chapter 1 of Mattmann. (Also relevant are Chapters 1-4 of Zero to AI)
2 M 9/13 Review: Linear Algebra, Calculus (Notes) Mathematics for Machine Learning, Sections: 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.17.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6
3 W 9/15 Review: Probability, Statistics (Notes) Mathematics for Machine Learning, Sections: 5 (Except 5.8.2 and 5.9)
4 M 9/20 Linear Regression (notes unannotated, annotated) Hastie et al. Section 3.2 "Linear Regression Models and Least Squares" (up until but not including equation (3.8) ).
5 W 9/22 HW 1 (theory) Due (pdf, tex) Introduction to TensorFlow (notes) Mattmann Chapter 3
6 M 9/27 Classification and Logistic Regression (notes unannotated, annotated) Mattmann Chapter 5
7 W 9/29 HW 2 (computation) Due (pdf, tex). Revisions Due 10/31 Logistic Regression (notes unannotated, annotated) Mattmann Chapter 5
8 M 10/4 Statistical Learning Framework (unannotated, annotated) Chapter 2 of Shalev-Shwartz and Ben-David
9 W 10/6 HW 3 (theory) Due (pdf, tex) Statistical Learning Framework(unannotated, annotated)
- M 10/11 No Class - Indigenous Peoples Day
10 W 10/13 HW 4 (computation) Due (pdf, tex). Revisions due 11/12. Bias Variance Tradeoff (notes unannotated, annotated)
11 M 10/18 Ridge Regression (notes unannotated, annotated) Hastie Section 3.4.1
12 W 10/20 HW 5 (theory) Due (pdf, tex) MAP Estimation, Model Validation (notes unannotated, annotated) Hastie Sections 3.4.1 and 7.10
13 M 10/25 Review for Midterm (unannotated, annotated)
14 W 10/27 Midterm I (pdf, tex) Study Guide and Practice Problems (solutions)
15 M 11/1 Cross Validation, Nearest Neighbor Methods (notes unannotated, annotated) Hastie 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 13.3
16 W 11/3 Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent (notes unannotated, annotated)
17 M 11/8 Convex Optimization, Convergence of Gradient Descent (notes unannotated, annotated)
18 W 11/10 HW 6 (computational) Due (pdf, tex). Revisions due 12/10. Clustering, k-means (notes unannotated, annotated) Bishop 9.1
19 M 11/15 Mixtures of Gaussians, EM Algorithms (notes unannotated, annotated) Bishop 9.2, 9.3
20 W 11/17 HW 7 (theory) Due (pdf, tex) Principal Component Analysis (notes unannotated, annotated) Bishop Section 12.1
21 M 11/22 Project Descriptions Due (pdf, tex) Work on Projects
- W 11/24 Thanksgiving
22 M 11/29 Midterm Review (notes annotated)
23 W 12/1 Midterm II (pdf, tex) Study Guide and Practice Problems (solutions)
24 M 12/6 Guest Speaker from Industry
25 W 12/8 Neural Networks - Architectural Elements (notes unannotated)
26 M 12/13 Neural Networks - Architectures (notes unannotated)
27 W 12/15 Final Project Due Neural Networks