Re: [CSG111] Anwsers to questions on Mp5

Subject: Re: [CSG111] Anwsers to questions on Mp5
From: Wendy (
Date: Thu Mar 09 2006 - 13:56:56 EST


One more question for you, regarding tests mostly. with each assignment, we
are asked to code some functions, and are given a starter set of files. If
we had to code something in a prior assignment, for example addition or
"not", are we expected to keep this functionality within the new assignment?
I guess what I'm asking is if each assignment build of each other, and if
the functionlaity of the prev one is implied to be a part of the new one.
the test suite suggests this is the case, as it contains functionality from
previous assignments that were not explictly assigned in the current one.


On 3/9/06, Therapon Skotiniotis <> wrote:
> I have been getting questions about mp5 and how to submit as
> well as what to do about if-expression and if-statement.
> Part of the confusions is due to an anwser I posted to the
> list that was at best ambiguous, apologies. Hopefuly this
> email cleares things up a bit.
> In summary.
> (a) You have to submit *one* set of files.
> (b) The 2 versions of if can co-exist for Q3 onwards.
> (c) You can test expressions by passing them as an argument
> to the print statement.
> I have also included (below) parts of email replies to
> people who have emailed me about it.
> -- Theo
> > > If we submit one set of files then if-exp would have to
> > > bereplaced by if-statement. Is that ok?
> > if-expression and if-statement can co-exists. Have a
> > closer look at their specifications.
> > > For Q1,Q2 we have one set of files that includes
> > > tests.scm, top.scm, lang.scm, interp.scm etc.
> > >
> > >
> > > For Q3,Q4 we have another set of files that includes tests.scm,
> > > interp.scm, top.scm, lang.scm etc.
> > >
> > >
> > > Is this all right?
> >
> > You have to submist *one* set of files. If you look at Q3
> > and Q4 you will see that the expression language of Q2 is a
> > "sublangauge" of Q3 onwards. A print statement takes in
> > an expression. So for testing your expressions, place
> > your tests as arguments to a print statement.
> >
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