Re: [CSG111] CSG111 MP5: Tests...

Subject: Re: [CSG111] CSG111 MP5: Tests...
From: Therapon Skotiniotis (
Date: Wed Mar 08 2006 - 11:04:02 EST

On Wed, Mar 08, 2006 at 10:55:02AM -0500, Wendy wrote:
> Is that the only addional operation in the tests we have to implement? Or
> should we be copying the operations from past assignements, such as +, /, *,
> > , < , ect... as these are also used in the tests. There was an email
> earlier about not having to do this, as we have already done it in a
> previous assignment.

 Have a look at tests.scm and statements.scm. You can easily
 figure out what other ops you have to implement. Also, you
 should add tests of your own. The test set provided is
 never enough for testing your interpreter.

 -- Theo

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