Re: [CSG111] CSG111 MP5: Tests...

Subject: Re: [CSG111] CSG111 MP5: Tests...
From: Wendy (
Date: Wed Mar 08 2006 - 10:55:02 EST

Is that the only addional operation in the tests we have to implement? Or
should we be copying the operations from past assignements, such as +, /, *,
> , < , ect... as these are also used in the tests. There was an email
earlier about not having to do this, as we have already done it in a
previous assignment.

On 3/8/06, Therapon Skotiniotis <> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 08, 2006 at 10:33:04AM -0500, Zach Kissel wrote:
> > are we allowed to add a not if we'd like to make testing while loops
> easier?
> > -Zach
> That was my mistake. One of the examples given in
> statements.scm used not. So you *have* to implement "not"
> in yout language. Apologies for the mix up.
> -- Theo
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