Re: [CSG111] Re: CSG111 MP5: Exercise 3 Clarification

Subject: Re: [CSG111] Re: CSG111 MP5: Exercise 3 Clarification
From: Zach Kissel (
Date: Mon Mar 06 2006 - 13:46:43 EST

Hi All when you say the following in question 4:

"4. Add while to the statement language. Write a rule or rules in the
style of the rules on page 36 of the notes [3 points], and implement
them [5 points]. "

they're are no rules on page 36 of the notes are we supposed to do
rules of inference like on page 35 or as functions?

I'm assuming we want to copy the specification style on page 35 I just
want to make sure this is a correct assumption.

On 3/6/06, Therapon Skotiniotis <> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 05, 2006 at 05:35:35PM -0500, Wendy wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > As an FYI my partner and I discovered that block-statement does not work.
> > Also, is there really any need to define a new datatype, when expval->bool
> > exists, and provides the correct functionality?
> No, you can use expval->bool as long as the behavior of
> your interpreter does not change.
> -- Theo
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