Re: [CSG111] Re: CSG111 MP5: Exercise 3 Clarification

Subject: Re: [CSG111] Re: CSG111 MP5: Exercise 3 Clarification
From: Therapon Skotiniotis (
Date: Mon Mar 06 2006 - 13:48:22 EST

On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 01:46:43PM -0500, Zach Kissel wrote:
> Hi All when you say the following in question 4:
> "4. Add while to the statement language. Write a rule or rules in the
> style of the rules on page 36 of the notes [3 points], and implement
> them [5 points]. "
> they're are no rules on page 36 of the notes are we supposed to do
> rules of inference like on page 35 or as functions?

 As on page 35, sorry about that.

 -- Theo

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