Logic and Computation
CS 2800 Fall 2023

Khoury College of Computer Sciences
Northeastern University

Calendar of Office Hours

Professors and TAs

Pete Manolios
Office hours: Mon, Thu: 3:00PM-4:00PM and by request
Location: WVH 346
Email: p.manolios@northeastern.edu
Olin Shivers
Office hours: Tue, Wed 2:30PM-3:30PM and by request
Location: WVH 318
Email: shivers@ccs.neu.edu
Ankit Kumar
Office hours: 11AM-1PM and by request
Location: WVH 208
Email: kumar.anki@northeastern.edu
Yuhao Zhou
Office hours: 2PM-4PM Fri and by request
Location: WVH 208
Email: zhou.yuhao@northeastern.edu
Daniel Chioffi
Office hours: 9AM-11AM Fri
Location: Khoury Office Hours
Email: chioffi.d@northeastern.edu
Hope McClew
Office hours: 8AM-9AM Tue
Location: Khoury Office Hours
Email: mcclew.h@northeastern.edu
Dharmil Karia
Office hours: 9AM-10AM Mon
Location: Khoury Office Hours
Email: karia.dh@northeastern.edu
Liu Stone
Office hours: 2:00PM-3:00PM Sat
Location: Khoury Office Hours
Email: liu.sto@northeastern.edu
Ryan Huang
Office hours: 12PM-1PM Thu
Location: Khoury Office Hours
Email: huang.ryan2@northeastern.edu

Office Hours

Profs Manolios and Shivers will hold office hours in their office. So will Ankit and Yuhao.

Undergrad TA Office hours will be held online via Microsoft Teams. Before you can "enter" an office hour with a particular staff member, you need to line up in a virtual queue, just as you would line up in a physical queue in front of an office. For the virtual queuing, we are going to use a queuing website built recently by Khoury College students, available here. A short tutorial on how to use the site can be found here.