Logic and Computation
CS 2800 Spring 2022

Khoury College of Computer Sciences
Northeastern University

Calendar of Office Hours

Professors and TAs

Pete Manolios
Office hours: Mon, Wed: 11:45AM-12:45PM and by request
Location: Zoom
Email: pete@ccs.neu.edu
Ankit Kumar
Office hours: Tue 1-3PM
Email: kumar.anki@northeastern.edu
Andrew Walter
Office hours: Tue 3-5PM
Location: Khoury Office Hours
Email: walter.a@northeastern.edu
Nathaniel Rosenbloom
Office hours: Mon 5-6PM, Tue 4-5PM
Email: rosenbloom.n@northeastern.edu
Owen Goldner
Office hours: Sunday 3-5PM
Email: goldner.o@northeastern.edu
Renuka Ganesh
Office hours: Mon 5-6PM, Sat 5-6PM
Email: ganesh.re@northeastern.edu
Eduard Buna
Email: buna.e@northeastern.edu
Brendan Clarke
Email: clarke.br@northeastern.edu
Samuel Ji
Email: ji.xian@northeastern.edu
Angela Shen
Email: shen.ang@northeastern.edu
Tara Tam
Email: tam.t@northeastern.edu

Office Hours

Prof. Manolios will hold office hours via Zoom. TA Office hours will be held online via Microsoft Teams. Before you can "enter" an office hour with a particular staff member, you need to line up in a virtual queue, just as you would line up in a physical queue in front of an office. For the virtual queuing, we are going to use a queuing website built recently by Khoury College students, available here. A short tutorial on how to use the site can be found here.