Logic and Computation
CS 2800 Fall 2011

College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University


Pete Manolios
Office hours: Tuesdays 5PM-7PM and by request
Location: WVH 346
Email: pete@ccs.neu.edu

Teaching Assistants

Mitesh Jain
Office hours: Mon 6-7PM, Wed 3:45-4:30PM, and by request
Location: WVH 316
Email: jmitesh@ccs.neu.edu

Tutors and Graders

Ian A. Helmke
Office hours: Saturdays 1-3PM, WVH 102 (Lab)
Email: ihelmke@ccs.neu.edu
Sarah Laplante
Office hours: On exam weeks Wed 10:30-11:30AM
On non-exam weeks Fridays 11:30AM-12:30PM, WVH 102 (Lab)
Email: laplante.s@husky.neu.edu
Joshua Spiro
Office hours: Fridays 1-2PM, WVH 102 (Lab)
Email: spiro.j@husky.neu.edu