Section 01: M,W,Th 10:30 AM-11:35 AM, WVH 108
Section 02: M,W,Th 4:35 PM-5:40 PM, WVH 108
Instructor: Pete Manolios
Office hours: Tuedays 5-7PM in WVH 346, and by request
Email: For TAs and Tutors, click on Contact Info on your left.
The final schedule is:
- Section 01, Manolios, TBD
- Section 02, Manolios, TBD
You are required to check for announcements daily.
The optional textbook is Computer Aided Reasoning. Kaufmann, Manolios, Moore. Order it from here.
We will be using the ACL2s system. Please download it and install it on your machines. It is also installed in the CCIS computer labs, but there are some instructions you should follow to use that installation properly.
Academic Integrity
Read and intimately familiarize yourselves with the Northeastern Academic Integrity policy.Exams
There are 6 exams which will take place on the following days:
- Wednesday, January 27
- Wednesday, February 10
- Wednesday, February 24
- Wednesday, March 17
- Wednesday, March 31
- Wednesday, April 14
- Homework (15% of your grade).
There will be regular homework assignments. You will mostly work in groups. We will give you instructions on group sizes and composition. We recommend that you to first try to solve the problems on your own. Then meet with your teammate to go over your solutions and try to solve any unresolved problems. - Quizzes (10% of your grade).
Be prepared for a short quiz every day. Only a subset of the quizzes will be graded. - 6 exams (12% each).
There will be no makeup exams, for any reason. You can drop up to 2 exams. When we assign grades, we will automatically determine which (if any) of the exams it is to your advantage to drop. - Instructor's Discretion (3%).
This is up to the instructor's discretion. Class participation will help you get more points. - Final exam (0-24%).
You can drop 0-2 exams and the final exam will count for the remainder of your grade. You can also simply use the grades from your 6 exams and then you do not need to take the final exam. - You can take 1 double-sided cheat sheet to each exam, and 2 double-sided cheat sheets to the final.
- You have exactly 1 week after any assignment, quiz, or exam is returned to challenge the grade. After that, we will not change your grade.
- You are responsible for making sure that we entered the right grade on Blackboard. If you notice any data entry errors, please inform us right away.
CS 1800 and CS 2500
If you do not have this background you should get the permission of the instructor.