Logic and Computation
CS 2800 Fall 2009

College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University


Section 01: M,W,Th 4:35 PM-5:40 PM, International Village 022 Instructor: Pete Manolios
Office hours: Tuedays 5-7PM in WVH 346, and by request
Email: pete@ccs.neu.edu

For TAs and Tutors, click on Contact Info on your left.

The final schedule is:

You are required to check for announcements daily.


The optional textbook is Computer Aided Reasoning. Kaufmann, Manolios, Moore. Order it from here.


We will be using the ACL2s system. Please download it and install it on your machines. It is also installed in the CCIS computer labs, but there are some instructions you should follow to use that installation properly.


There are 6 exams which will take place on the following days:



CS 1800 and CS 2500
If you do not have this background you should get the permission of the instructor.