Computer-Aided Reasoning
CS 4820/7485 Fall 2021

Khoury College of Computer Sciences
Northeastern University

Homework Submission Instructions

Send homework to me via email with the subject "CS 4820 HWK n", where n is the homework number. If you are sending a set of files, use tar and gzip to send a single file. If you are in a group, then only one member should send me the homework. The body of the email should indicate who the team members are and they should be cc'ed on all correspondence.

Unless otherwise indicated, homework is due by 11:59PM on the due date. See the policy on late homeworks from the syllabus.

Homework #
Due Date
Homework 1 9/12
Homework 2 9/23
Homework 3 10/3
Homework 4 10/17
Homework 5 10/21
Homework 6, Lisp-Z3 Interface, Z3 operators 11/4
Homework 7 11/22