Class type Flags.lookup

class type lookup = object .. end
The argument parser Flags.go returns an object for querying its results.

method bool : string -> bool
Look up the value of a bool flag.
method int : ?default:int -> string -> int
Look up the value of an int flag; if multiple values were given, returns the last one. If the flag wasn't given but ?default is provided, returns that; otherwise throws Flags.Argument_missing.
method string : ?default:string -> string -> string
Look up the value of a string flag; if multiple values were given, returns the last one. If the flag wasn't given but ?default is provided, returns that; otherwise throws Flags.Argument_missing.
method bcount : string -> int
Look up how many times a particular bool flag was given.
method ints : string -> int list
Return all the values given with an int flag.
method strings : string -> string list
Return all the values given with a string flag. Passing the empty string "" will return all additional (non-flag) arguments.
method usage : unit
Print usage information on stdout