Topics in Formal Methods
CS 7485 Spring 2013

College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University


Instructor: Pete Manolios
Office hours: TBD, and by request


Ebbinghaus, Flum, and Thomas. Mathematical Logic 2nd Edition (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics). Springer.

Other materials will be distributed to the class.

Academic Integrity

Read and intimately familiarize yourselves with the Northeastern Academic Integrity policy.



  1. You are expected to do the homework assignments on your own without consulting other students or sources other than those used in class, unless I state otherwise. You can talk to one another about high-level ideas and you can consult sources such as the Web about high-level ideas, but any significant insights into assignments gained from any source should be cited.

    The reason I give you homework is to help you understand the material and yourself. Sometimes things that seemed obvious in class turn out to be more subtle than you expected. Homework gives you the opportunity to show, yourself primarily and me secondarily, that you understand the concepts and their implications. I will ask that you read and develop some of the concepts on your own. The material we covered in class should act as the foundation that makes this possible.

  2. For your projects, please form teams consisting of 1, 2, or 3 people. Projects and team composition have have to be cleared by me. You will have lots of flexibility in the selection of projects. I would like for you to suggest project ideas based on your research interests, but we can meet individually to brainstorm and during class, I will routinely toss out project ideas. Projects will be presented during class. In addition, a single project report is required.

  3. You are expected to do the reading before class. In class you have an opportunity to test your understanding, so things work best if you come to class prepared. We can then focus on the interesting issues, rather than on covering material that you could just as easily find in the book.