On this page:
9.1 Program Design
9.1.1 Data Representations and Functionality
9.1.2 Functionality Extensions
9.1.3 Variant Extensions
9.1.4 Data Representations for Intermediate Data
9.2 Reasoning
9.2.1 Do the +  +   functions receive directories?
9.2.2 Why are Files Never Replaced?

9 Design and Reasoning🔗

23 September 2024


9.1 Program Design🔗

Fundamentals I and II use the phrase “designing programs” not “programming.” Why?

This part is about matching the design of the functionality to the choice of data representation.

9.1.1 Data Representations and Functionality🔗

.. determines the organization of code. If it doesn’t,

Fundamentals 1 teaches to match the nest of functions to the data definitions and the conditionals in each of them to the respective datatype.

Fundamentals 2 teaches to realize each variant as an implementing class and to allocate the respective piece of the functionality to its corresponding class.

The Shape Example

    type Shape = Square(Point) | Circle(Point) | Union(Shape, Shape)

    type Point

The desired functionality is the pointInside function:

    ;; is the point properly inside this shape?

    pointInside : Shape Point -> Boolean

According to Fundamentals 1:
(define (pointInside s p)
  (match s
    [(? square?) ...]
    [(? circle?) ...]
    [(union left right) (... (pointInside left p) (pointInside right p) ...)]))

What next? In the spirit of “composite tasks call for composite functions,”
(define (pointInSquare s p) ...)
(define (pointInCircle s p) ...)
No need to fill in details.

According to Fundamentals 2:

The data representation is expressed via a shallow class hierarchy:

    + ----------- +          + ----------- +

    |   IShape    | <------- |   AShape    |

    + ----------- +          + ----------- +


           +---------------------- + ----------------------+

           |                                               |

      + ----------- +                                + ----------- +

      |   Square    |                                |   Circle    |

      + ----------- +                                + ----------- +

The "signature and header" go into the interface, while the actual functionality is distributed across the implementing classes—with an abstract class serving as a container for common (possibly abstract) functionality. The function is the “sum of all implementing methods.”

    interface IShape {

      ;; is the point properly inside this shape?

      Boolean pointInside(Shape s, Point p)


Remind students of thisif it is impossible to use this in a purpose statement, the “thing” is not a method.

Remind students that dynamic dispatch realizes the cond for the datatype.

All other conditionals in OOP should relate only to results not inputs.

9.1.2 Functionality Extensions🔗

Suppose we want the additional functionality of computing the maximal area covered by a shape:

    ;; is the point properly inside this shape?

    maxArea : Shape -> Integer

Do we have to touch existing code to add this functionality?

According to Fundamentals 1: no. Just write another function, following the same template:
(define (maxArea s p)
  (match s
    [(? square?) ...]
    [(? circle?) ...]
    [(union left right) (... (maxArea left p) (maxArea right p) ...)]))

According to Fundamentals 2: yes. Every interface and every class needs surgery following plain OO design:

    + ----------- +          + ----------- +

    |   IShape    | <------- |   AShape    |

    | xxxxxxxxxxx |          | xxxxxxxxxxx |

    + ----------- +          + ----------- +


           +---------------------- + ----------------------+

           |                                               |

      + ----------- +                                + ----------- +

      |   Square    |                                |   Circle    |

      | xxxxxxxxxxx |                                | xxxxxxxxxxx |

      + ----------- +                                + ----------- +

If we use the Visitor pattern, we get easy functional extension. But do we get easy variant extension?

9.1.3 Variant Extensions🔗

Suppose we want the additional data variant triangle:

    type Shape = Square(Point) | Circle(Point) | EquiTri(Point) | Union(Shape, Shape)

    type Point

Do we have to touch existing code to add this variant?

According to Fundamentals 1: yes. Every function needs surgery following plain FP design:
(define (pointInside s p)
  (match s
    [(? square?) ...]
    [(? circle?) ...]
    [(? equtry?) ...] ; <=====================
    [(union left right) (... (pointInside left p) (pointInside right p) ...)]))
(define (maxArea s p)
  (match s
    [(? square?) ...]
    [(? circle?) ...]
    [(? equtry?) ...] ; <=====================
    [(union left right) (... (maxArea left p) (maxArea right p) ...)]))

According to Fundamentals 2: no, if we used plain OO design of data representations:

    + ----------- +          + ----------- +

    |   IShape    | <------- |   AShape    |

    + ----------- +          + ----------- +


           +---------------------- + ----------------------+

           |                                               |

      + ----------- +         + ----------- +       + ----------- +

      |   Square    |         |   Circle    |       |   EquiTri   |

      + ----------- +         + ----------- +       + ----------- +




A plain Visitor pattern would create an obstacle for this kind of extension.

9.1.4 Data Representations for Intermediate Data🔗

Skip if no time for reasoning

When programmers deal with use cases and external boundaries, choosing a data representation is about representing information.

When the processing of a use case involves internal components, those are designed to match a developer’s needs.

Abstract example designing a function f that consumes data A and produces data C may not be a good match because A and C are so far out of sync. Come up with a form of data B such that

#; [A -> C]
(define (f a)
  (define b (g a))
  (define c (h b))
  ; return:
#; [A -> B]
(define (g a) ...)
#; [B -> C]
(define (h b) ...)

Concrete example The following example is artificial but derived from a real-world one that occupied people’s mind in the 1970s:

Design the program analysis, which consumes a file of text. Each line contains words formed from the letters ’a’ through ’z’ and separated by spaces from each other. The word "stop" separates paragraphs from each other. For each of these paragraphs, the program is to determine (and report) the number of words it contains and the length of the longest word it contains.

Constraint The chosen programming language supports only one function to read from text files: read-line, which reads a line at a time.

(struct result [word# longest])
#; type Result = (result Natural Natural)
#; (result k n)
;; k represents the number of words in a paragraph, and
;; n the length of the longest one
#; [ String -> {Listof Result}]
(define (analysis file-name)
  (define b (read-lines-from-file file-name))
  (define c (analyze-paragraphs b))
  ; return:
Challenge: What is B here? [Listof String] where each String represents a word.

Why? Such a list is easy to produce and, when consumed, allows an easy partitioning into “paragraphs.”

And that’s the general guideline for choosing such intermediate representations.

9.2 Reasoning🔗

The following questions are about xjson or really xjson-server-script-ish.rkt.

The first one needs to be asked because a lack of types. It’s these kinds of questions that type systems help with (but not with the tracing we do here).

The second one is a fully semantic question.

The answers are to be worked out with the students in a discussion.

9.2.1 Do the ++ functions receive directories?🔗

Trace across three function calls. Start tracing from ++file and ++dir

arrows at end

9.2.2 Why are Files Never Replaced?🔗

There are two kinds of commands that may request the replacement of a file with a sub-directory:

The first one uses a file name in the "middle" of a path:

    { "path" : "/root/fileone/filetwo", "size" : 11 }

Assuming fileone exists in root, this command requests turning it into directory and placing filetwo into it. The path is valid, but incorrect with respect to the specified functionality.

This kind of request is rejected in update. Trace from split.

arrows at end

The second one requests turning

    { "path" : "/root/fileone", "subs" : ["afolder", "anotherfolder"]  }

Again, assuming fileone exists in root, this one asks to treat it as a directory to place two sub-directories into it.

This second bad request is rejected in ++dir; see first cond line:

arrows at end

Total: 65 mins