Quizzes and Exams - IS U570 Human Computer Interaction -- Fall 2004
Professor Futrelle
Version of 24 December 2004
All exams given in the Fall 2004 course are now online
Final Exam -- Friday, December 17th
Final Exam information on this page.
Quiz #2 -- Friday, November 19th
Quiz #2 information on this page.
Midterm Exam
Midterm exam information on this page.
Quiz #1, Tuesday, Sept. 28th
This quiz will be 45 minutes in length, closed book, closed notes,
and will cover the topics below.
The source code question will be on the quiz. A modest portion of
the other topics will be covered, limited by the duration of the quiz.
But it is very much worth your while to study them, because material
from the first three chapters may appear on the Midterm and Final.
Finally, remember that reading alone cannot properly prepare you
to write answers on a test. So be sure to practice writing out
some answers before coming to the quiz.
Swing source code for HelloWorldSimplest.java.
You will be required to
reproduce this code from memory and to flesh out the eight comments,
explaining, in a sentence or two for each comment,
what the technical Java particulars of it are.
- Chapter 1: Be familiar with some details of the following concepts
and be prepared to write concise answers about them:
- Goals for requirements analysis.
- Diverse cognitive and perceptual abilities.
- Cultural and international diversity.
- Some of the fruitful directions for research
on pages 41 and 42.
- Chapter 2: Be familiar with some details of the following concepts
and be prepared to write concise answers about them:
- The bulleted items in Sec. 2.2.1.
- The numbered items in Sec. 2.2.2.
- Most importantly, be sure you can write something that's
relevant for the eight golden rules in Sec. 2.3.4.
The fifth golden rule is elaborated on in the section 2.3.5.
- Chapter 3: Be familiar with some details of the following concepts
and be prepared to write concise answers about them:
- Focus on the details of LUCID, page 120.
- What is a scenario, Sec. 3.7, and how can they be helpful?
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