Syllabus/Schedule - CSG140 Computer Graphics - Spring 2004

Professor Futrelle

Version of 21 February 2004

Access the official NU Calendar here in HTML or in PDF format.

Your responsibilities are laid out below and in this Assignments page.

Week 1. January 8
Broad overview of computer graphics and this course.
Week 2. January 15th
New material and review for quiz. Ran a number of the Java graphics examples.
Week 3. January 22nd
Quiz #1 on vectors and transforms. Details linked on this page. Read Chapter 3 on rasters, color, line drawing and triangles, including Gouraud interpolation (shading). Sec. 2.11 on triangles is an important reference. The important thing to understand is how barycentric coordinates can be used for interpolation. Later we'll see them used for a variety of interpolations, including interpolating vectors. Tonight I'll also introduce the shadedRectangle code now available in the Java graphics examples.
Week 4. January 29th
Continuing our focus on realism (shading).
Week 5. February 5th
The z-buffer was described and introduced of ray tracing. Described how sweeps could generated rotationally symmetric objects or cylindrical ones and variations of them.
Week 6. February 12th
Focus on shading, Chap. 8.
Week 7. February 19th
Discussed student handins for Assignment 2. Described ray tracing to handle shadows and soft shadows, Secs. 9.5 and 9.11.2.
Week 8. February 26th
Note: This class will end just before 8pm, with no half-time break. Texture Mapping, Chapter 10. Discussion of your final project, which will involve various variations on ray tracing for polyhedral objects. Here are the final project notes.
SPRING BREAK WEEK. Mon-Fri, March 1-5
Week 9. March 11th
Summary to now. Review for next week's Midterm Exam as described in the Midterm Exam notes page.
Week 10. March 18th
MIDTERM EXAM, closed book, closed notes. (Midterm Exam notes page)
Week 11. March 25th
Initial description of your project due by TUESDAY midnight the 23rd. (I'll be checking my email from England.) More on Texture mapping, Chapter 10.
Week 12. April 1st
Advanced topics, TBA
Week 13. April 8th
Next to final report on your project due by TUESDAY midnight, the 6th. (not required, no credit, for feedback) More advanced topics, TBA
Week 14. April 15th
Final Project due emailed by TUESDAY midnight, the 13th (gives me time to look it over "before it's too late"). Course windup and review for the Final Exam.
Monday the 19th is a holiday.
NEW! There will be no Final Exam will be on Thursday the 22nd. Instead, each student will make a 10 to 15 minute presentation of their final project. Details in email and to be posted.

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