CS U290 Logic and Computation
Spring 2008
Announcements: Check here regularly for updates.
- Apr 7, 2008: HWK6 is up. Click on the "Assignments" link
- Apr 7, 2008:4. The final for section 1 (10:30-11:35)
is on April 18 at 1PM. The final for section 2 is on April 23
at 1PM. See the official schedule from the Registrar for the
- Apr 3, 2008: The defunt macro intoduced in
class today, along with an example of how to use it can be
found here.
- Mar 23, 2008: Homework 5 updates.
- The deadline for submitting homework 5 is Wednesday,
March 26, at 4PM.
- However, if you submit homework by Monday (March 24) at
10AM, we will grade it by Wednesday, so that you can use it
to study for the exam on Thursday.
- Blackboard submissions may be turned off at 10AM on
Monday, but they will be turned back on by the end of the day
on Tuesday, so that those of you that miss the Monday
deadline will have to wait until then to submit solutions.
- If you submit on Wednesday, we'll get homeworks back to
you by Monday.
- Mar 18, 2008: HWK5 is up. Click on the "Assignments" link
above. Note the due date and time.
- Feb 28, 2008: Instructions on using blackboard to
view grader comments for your homework submissions are available
- Feb 28, 2008: HWK4 is up. Click on the "Assignments" link
above. Note the due date and time.
- Feb 28, 2008: Check out the CSU 290 Wiki Page, maintained by Riccardo. It is meant to
be a resource for the class.
- Feb 11, 2008: HWK3 is up. Click on the "Assignments" link
above. Note the due date and time.
- Jan 28, 2008: Everyone should have a copy of the index card outlining the basic
parts of the design recipe. When we pick on you in class, we
want you to be able to show us your index card. Penalties are
possible if you don't comply! This will make Matthias
very happy.
- HWK2 is up. Click on the "Assignments" link above.
- Class lectures are now available. Click on the
"Lectures" link above.
- An update to ACL2s was released midday on Jan. 17th. This
includes some important bug fixes and improvements, so please
update your installation to the latest version. See the
ACL2s web page section on plugin installation for update
- Homework submission instructions can be found here and also by
clicking on the "Assignments" link above.
- HWK1 is up. Click on the "Assignments" link above.
- We will be using the ACL2s
system. Please download it and install it on your machines.
It is also installed in the CCIS computer labs, but there are
some instructions you should follow to use that
installation properly.
- Everyone has to sign up for a lab. The signup sheets are
on WVH 328. There are eight labs you can sign up for and you
have to stick with the same lab for the remainder of the
semester. The labs will be held in WVH 212 on Fridays.
- The textbook is Computer Aided Reasoning. Kaufmann,
Manolios, Moore. Order it right away from here.
- There are 6 exams which will take place on the following days:
- Thursday, January 24
- Thursday, February 7
- Thursday, February 21
- Thursday, March 13
- Thursday, March 27
- Thursday, April 10
The lectures will be coordinated so you can show up to either
lecture (or both).
For the exams and final exam you must show up to the section
you are registered for.
Section 01: M,W,Th 10:30 AM-11:35 AM, 106 West Village Bldg G.
Section 02, M,W,Th 4:35 PM-5:40 PM, 104 West Village Bldg G.
Pete Manolios
Office hours: Wed 3:00-4:35 WVH 332, and by request
Email: pete@ccs.neu.edu
Riccardo Pucella
Office hours: Mon 3:00-4:35 WVH 328, and by request
Email: riccardo@ccs.neu.edu
Teaching Assistants
Peter Dillinger
Office hours: 3:20-5:20 Tuesdays, WVH 330
Email: pcd@ccs.neu.edu
Stevie Strickland
Office hours: 2:00-4:00 Wednesdays, WVH 308
Email: sstrickl@ccs.neu.edu
Zhifeng Sun
Office hours: 12:00-2:00 Mondays, WVH 266
Email: austin@ccs.neu.edu
Dimitrios Vardoulakis
Office hours: 3:00-5:00 Wednesdays, WVH 308
Email: dimvar@ccs.neu.edu
Christian Mutaba
Office hours:
Email: mutaba.c@neu.edu
Sky O'Mara
Office hours:
Email: skyo@ccs.neu.edu
- Homework (10% of your grade).
There will be regular homework assignments, and they will be
collected during labs. You can work on the homework in
teams of 2. We recommend that you to first try to solve the
problems on your own. Then meet with your teammate to go
over your solutions and try to solve any unresolved
- 6 exams (15% each).
You need to take the exam in the
section you are registered for. There will be no makeup exams,
for any reason. You can drop up to 2 exams. When we assign
grades, we will automatically determine which (if any) of the
exams it is to your advantage to drop.
- Final exam (0-30%).
You can drop 0-2 exams and the final exam will count for the remainder of
your grade. You can also simply use the grades from your 6 exams and then
you do not need to take the final exam.
- You can take 1 double-sided cheat sheet to each exam,
and 2 double-sided cheat sheets to the final.
The textbook is Computer Aided Reasoning by Kaufmann, Manolios,
Moore. Order it right away from here.
CS U200 and CS U211
If you do not have this background
you should get the permission of the instructor.