CS U290 Logic and Computation
Spring 2008

[Syllabus] [Lectures] [Assignments]

Announcements: Check here regularly for updates.


Section 01: M,W,Th 10:30 AM-11:35 AM, 106 West Village Bldg G.
Section 02, M,W,Th 4:35 PM-5:40 PM, 104 West Village Bldg G.


Pete Manolios
Office hours: Wed 3:00-4:35 WVH 332, and by request
Email: pete@ccs.neu.edu

Riccardo Pucella
Office hours: Mon 3:00-4:35 WVH 328, and by request
Email: riccardo@ccs.neu.edu

Teaching Assistants

Peter Dillinger
Office hours: 3:20-5:20 Tuesdays, WVH 330
Email: pcd@ccs.neu.edu

Stevie Strickland
Office hours: 2:00-4:00 Wednesdays, WVH 308
Email: sstrickl@ccs.neu.edu

Zhifeng Sun
Office hours: 12:00-2:00 Mondays, WVH 266
Email: austin@ccs.neu.edu

Dimitrios Vardoulakis
Office hours: 3:00-5:00 Wednesdays, WVH 308
Email: dimvar@ccs.neu.edu


Christian Mutaba
Office hours:
Email: mutaba.c@neu.edu

Sky O'Mara
Office hours:
Email: skyo@ccs.neu.edu



The textbook is Computer Aided Reasoning by Kaufmann, Manolios, Moore. Order it right away from here.


CS U200 and CS U211
If you do not have this background you should get the permission of the instructor.