Two students collaborate on a project in the 102 West Village H Lab. The student on the left is standing while leaning agains a pillar and holding an open laptop in her left hand. The other student is seated on a soft stool while looking at his laptop, which is open on his lap.

BS in Civil Engineering and Computer Science

The BS in Civil Engineering and Computer Science is a combined major (the College of Engineering and Khoury College) that will prepare you with expertise in computational modeling and simulation as tools for developing and managing critical civil and environmental infrastructure — from bridges to buildings to roads to water systems. Master the fundamentals of program design, software development, and algorithms and data as you learn to engineer and construct the physical landscape around us.

Program details

Campus location

  • Students walk by West Village H on the Boston campus. A large, white KHOURY sign is next to the students. West Village H rises in the background.


    Located in the heart of Boston, Northeastern’s oldest campus is home to a vibrant community of students, researchers, and faculty working across disciplines to build a better world through CS.

Applications and admissions

Meet our faculty

Get to know the engaged, experienced professors who are here to support you every step of the way.

Visit the College of Engineering

The BS in Computer Science and Civil Engineering is an interdisciplinary collaboration with the College of Engineering.

Get a head start on your graduate degree

In our accelerated master’s programs, you can start earning your master’s degree while you are still pursuing your undergraduate studies.