President Aoun, Dean Mynatt test drive student-built electric race car
Author: Sarah Olender and Milton Posner
Date: 11.21.22
On Tuesday evening, as the light of the November sky gave way to the speckled lights of the surrounding buildings, the cleared-out roof of the Columbus Garage morphed into a racetrack.
Northeastern Electric Racing was showcasing their all-electric, formula-style race car, and behind the wheel of the zooming car were Northeastern President Joseph E. Aoun and Khoury College Dean Elizabeth Mynatt.
“I’m very excited to be out here,” Mynatt said, before joking, “All of my Mario Kart experience will come in handy.”
Aside from the test drives, the software team spotlighted FinishLine — the resource management platform they designed and built — and celebrated the club’s exponential growth in recent years.
“This event represents a commitment to interdisciplinary projects, and it recognizes the club’s impactful student opportunities,” NER President James Chang-Davidson added. “We’re honored to celebrate the work of thousands of undergrads across the College of Engineering, Khoury College, the D’Amore-McKim School of Business, and beyond by having President Aoun and Dean Mynatt take our car for a drive.”
For the test drives of (in order) Aoun, NER Chief Electrical Engineer Matthew McCauley, and Mynatt, see Sarah Olender’s photos below. For more information about NER’s engineering and software journey, as well as their recent success at a famed NASCAR track, check out Khoury News’ recent story on the club.
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