Sofia Hirschmann
PhD Student
- BS in Data Science and Psychology, Simmons University
Sofia Hirschmann is a doctoral student in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University, based in Boston. She is advised by Stacy Marsella.
Hirschmann is interested in artificial intelligence, with her research exploring ways to improve the ability of AI to collaborate with and garner the trust of human beings. Within that field, she focuses on leveraging computational psychology methodologies within the Cognitive Embodied Social Agents Research (CESAR) Lab.
Before joining Khoury College in 2023, Hirschmann researched natural language processing at Simmons University with Nanette Veilleux, as well as computer vision at MITRE with John Irvine. Her initial interest was in psychology, and as she became curious about theories with more solid empirical foundations, she found herself blending in data science and computer science, which prompted the jump to AI. Because of this, Khoury College’s interdisciplinary approach was a big part of what appealed to Hirschmann, and she hopes to incorporate more of her psychology background into her AI research before she wraps up her doctorate in 2028.