Showing 16 of 174 results for "Academic & Research Faculty"
  • Engin Kirda

    Engin Kirda is a professor at Khoury College, co-founder of the multinational Secure Systems Lab, and co-founder of Lastline, Inc., which detects and prevents advanced targeted malware. He has published more than 100 papers on malware analysis and detection, web application security, and social networking security.

  • Rébecca Kleinberger

    Rébecca Kleinberger is an assistant professor at Khoury College. Her research covers topics including both human- and animal-computer interaction; technological enrichment for zoo animals; voice and music technologies; and assistive technology.

  • Wallace Lages

    Wallace Lages is an assistant professor at Khoury College, jointly appointed with the College of Arts, Media and Design. He blends his multidisciplinary research into augmented and virtual reality with his artistic practice, which has been featured on four continents.

  • David Lazer

    David Lazer is a University Distinguished Professor at Khoury College, jointly appointed with the College of Social Sciences and Humanities. His research investigates misinformation and political communication — especially on social networks — through the lens of computational social science.

  • Chris Le Dantec

    Christopher Le Dantec is a professor and the director of digital civics at Khoury College, jointly appointed with the College of Arts, Media and Design. His research applies human-centered computing to the intersection of digital democracy and smart cities, including the development of novel computing interfaces and data-driven capacities that support collective action.

  • Ada Lerner

    Ada Lerner is an assistant professor and the director of the undergraduate cybersecurity program at Khoury College. She researches human–computer interaction, security, and privacy.

  • Karl Lieberherr

    Karl Lieberherr is a professor at Khoury College, having joined in 1985. His research has led to advances in programming technology and algorithms that are widely used for object-oriented technology and SAT solvers.

  • Tianshi Li

    Tianshi Li is an assistant professor at Khoury College. She has sought to assist developers — even those who don’t specialize in privacy and security — to build mobile apps with native privacy support; she has also helped companies to comply with privacy, accessibility, and fairness requirements.

  • Blair MacIntyre

    Blair MacIntyre is a teaching professor at Khoury College and a former principal research scientist at Mozilla. He teaches courses in computer graphics, augmented and virtual environments, ethics and privacy, and user interface software.

  • David Madigan

    David Madigan is a professor at Khoury College, and the provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at Northeastern University. He brings extensive academic leadership experience at Columbia University, Rutgers University, and the University of Washington to the role, and has authored over 200 publications in Bayesian statistics, text mining, Monte Carlo methods, pharmacovigilance, and probabilistic graphical models over the course of his career.

  • Panagiotis (Pete) Manolios

    Pete Manolios is a professor at Khoury College and the leader of the computer-aided reasoning group. His research uses formal methods to further the design, analysis, and implementation of aerospace, hardware, and component-based software systems.