Sarita Singh
Sarita Singh is an associate teaching professor at Khoury College. Her research interests include education technology and cybersecurity. Before joining Northeastern, she accrued more than 25 years of experience in areas including teaching, industry, and research.
Mohit Singhal
Mohit Singhal is an assistant teaching professor at Khoury College. He researches how content moderation, and biases in automated moderation and ranking systems in particular, affects users and platforms.
David Smith
David Smith is an associate professor at Khoury College. His research spans the fields of natural language processing, computational linguistics, information retrieval, machine learning, digital libraries, digital humanities, and political science.
Katherine Socha
Katherine Socha is an associate teaching professor at Khoury College. She is passionate about ensuring her students develop the mathematical foundations needed to understand advanced computational concepts, and teaches courses on discrete structures and algorithms.
Ellen Spertus
Ellen Spertus is a teaching professor at Khoury College. She had previously served as a professor of computer science and periodic department head at Mills College, and her research spans domains ranging from parallel computing to online communities to computer science education.