Michael Everett
Michael Everett is an assistant professor at Khoury College, jointly appointed with the College of Engineering. His research sits at the nexus of robotics, deep learning, and control theory, with the goal of developing certifiable learning machines in which robots can safely, reliably, and efficiently perform tasks.
Don Fallis
Don Fallis is a professor at Khoury College, jointly appointed with the College of Social Sciences and Humanities. His research blends epistemology, philosophy of information, and philosophy of mathematics, and focuses primarily on adversarial epistemology — how people learn in a disinformation-filled world.
Maryam Farahmand Asil
Maryam Farahmand-Asil is an assistant teaching professor at Khoury College, specializing in algorithms, discrete and data structures, and programming for data science. She received the 2023 Khoury Teaching Innovation Award for a project aimed at enhancing student engagement in computing courses.
Usama Fayyad
Usama Fayyad is a professor of the practice at Khoury College and the director of Northeastern’s Institute for Experiential AI. A recipient of awards from the ACM and NASA, he specializes in data science, machine learning, AI, and data mining.
Sina Fazelpour
Sina Fazelpour is an assistant professor at Khoury College, jointly appointed with the College of Social Sciences and Humanities. His research draws on tools and techniques from philosophy, cognitive science, agent-based simulation, and machine learning to analyze issues of justice, diversity, and reliability in data-driven and AI technologies.
Daniel Feinberg
Daniel Feinberg is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College, who formerly served as the director of the interdisciplinary Master of Science in Health Informatics Program. He conducts research on STEM education, and teaches courses on databases and programming, particularly as it relates to health professions.
Matthias Felleisen
Matthias Felleisen is a trustee professor at Khoury College and an oft-awarded, 40-year scholar in programming languages and software engineering. Among other contributions, he has developed a K–12 math and programming outreach project, the Racket programming language that supports it, and a widely used theoretical framework for modeling programming languages.
Sam Ferguson
Sam Ferguson is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College, as well as holding a position as a research scientist at Metron, Inc and teaching night classes at local universities throughout Washington, D.C. His research covers algorithms and theory, data science, and machine learning topics.