Richard Cobbe
Richard Cobbe is an assistant teaching professor at Khoury College. He joined Khoury after 15 years as an industrial developer working with databases, eager to help students of all backgrounds think critically about database management and programming design.
Seth Cooper
Seth Cooper is an associate professor at Khoury College. By combining game design with crowdsourcing and automated tools, he has become a pioneer of scientific discovery games.
Gene Cooperman
Gene Cooperman is a professor at Khoury College and leader of the High Performance Computing Laboratory. He researches a slew of interdisciplinary computing, math, and physics topics, and contributed to “GEANT4 – A Simulation Toolkit” — the most widely cited paper in high-energy physics.
Lino Coria Mendoza
Lino Coria Mendoza is an associate teaching professor at Khoury College. He is interested in image processing and computer vision and has explored the topics as both an academic researcher and an industry professional for over 15 years.
Michael Correll
Michael Correll is an associate research professor at Khoury College. His work in the worlds of data science and visualization aim to create reliable, inclusive, and informative visualizations for nonexpert audiences, and to help people make accurate decisions based on data.
Armando Cortez
Armando Cortez is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College, and the chief information officer at Harbor Health Services, Inc. He is fascinated by the co-evolution of healthcare and technology, and passionate about guiding the next generation of health informatics professionals.
Kyle K. Courtney
Kyle Courney is a part-time lecturer, jointly appointed between Khoury College and the School of Law, as well as the copyright advisor for Harvard University and a practicing attorney. He teaches courses about the intersection of privacy law and digital rights.
Radha Coutinho
Radha Coutinho is a part-time lecturer at Khoury College, and an engineering manager at Google. Her courses focus on objected oriented design and the fundamentals of software engineering.