
Nov. 2022   

The Network and Distributed Systems Security Laboratory (NDS2) focuses on creating and building distributed systems and network protocols that achieve security, availability, and performance in spite of failures, misconfigurations, and attacks. Our approach combines theoretical principles and experimental methodologies from distributed systems, cryptography, networking, software engineering, information theory, and machine learning to create systems and protocols based on provable guarantees and validated in realistic environments. Systems we study include: IoT, connected cars, clouds, distributed ledgers, software-defined infrastructure. The lab was created in 2003 at Purdue University and moved to Northeastern University in 2015.

Current projects include:

  • Automated testing for distributed systems and network protocols.
  • Theoretical and empirical analysis of secure communication protocols.
  • Security and resilience of software defined networking (SDN).
  • Secure data analytics for cloud computing.
  • Applications of NLP to fault-tolerance, security, and privacy.
  • Adversarial machine learning.
  • Cloud security.
  • Security of connected and autonomous cars.
  • Security and privacy of distributed ledgers and payment channel networks.
  • Security of cyber physical and robotic applications.

We are grateful to have our research supported by DARPA, NSF, AFRL, and ONR as well as Toyota ITC, Visa Research, PwC, CISCO, Google, and Ripple.

Send your comments and questions to Cristina Nita-Rotaru