Khoury welcomes new faculty hires for 2020-21
Date: 05.22.20
Jump to: Jonathan Bell | Arjun Guha | Richard Hoshino | Huaizu Jiang | Felix Muzny | Ji-Yong Shin | Cheng Tan | Ari Waldman
Jonathan Bell
Assistant Professor
Prior to joining Khoury College, Bell was an assistant professor of computer science at George Mason University. At George Mason, Bell taught courses in web application development, distributed systems, and program analysis. His teaching at GMU was recognized with a departmental award, and he was a finalist for a university-wide teaching award. As part of his efforts to broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in computing, Bell co-organized the PL/SE mentoring workshop at SPLASH (in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020), and will organize a similar workshop at ICSE in 2022.
Bell’s research makes it easier for developers to create reliable and secure software by improving software testing and program analysis. Bell’s work on accelerating software testing has been recognized with an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (ICSE ’14 – Unit Test Virtualization with VMVM), and was the basis for an industrial collaboration with Electric Cloud (now CloudBees). His program analysis research has resulted in several widely adopted runtime systems for the JVM, including the Phosphor taint tracking system (OOPSLA ’14) and CROCHET checkpoint/rollback tool (ECOOP ’18). His research has been funded by the NSA and the NSF, and he is the recipient of the NSF CAREER award and the Dahl-Nygaard Junior Prize.
Arjun Guha
Associate Professor
Guha was previously an associate professor of computer science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He moved from Mumbai, India, to Iowa, where he earned a BA in computer science from Grinnell College in 2006, followed by a PhD from Brown University, where he studied from 2006-2012. He spent a year as a postdoctoral researcher at Cornell University, joined the University of Massachusetts Amherst as an assistant professor in 2013, and was promoted to associate professor in 2019.
Guha’s research area is programming languages, with a focus on language-based approaches to security, reliability, and performance. He is best known for his work on JavaScript and programming languages for software-defined networking. His most recent research studies problems that arise in cloud computing, system configurations, and robotics, through the lens of programming languages.
Guha’s work has received an ACM SIGPLAN Most Influential Paper Award, a SIGPLAN Distinguished Paper Award, a SIGPLAN Research Highlight, and research awards from Google and Facebook.
Richard Hoshino
Associate Teaching Professor
Richard Hoshino will join the Northeastern family this summer as an associate teaching professor at the Vancouver campus. Prior to Northeastern, Richard was a professor of mathematics and computer science at Quest University Canada (2013-2020), a post-doctoral fellow at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo (2010-2012), and a mathematician for the Government of Canada (2006-2010). He obtained his PhD from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Richard has published 35 research papers across numerous fields, including graph theory, biometric identification, sports tournament scheduling, and optimal school timetabling. He has consulted for a billion-dollar professional baseball league and three Canadian TV game shows, and has presented at the annual AAAI conference six times in the past decade, winning their Deployed Application Award twice.
Richard is heavily involved in school outreach, and has visited over 50 high schools, conducting workshops on problem-solving and computational thinking for thousands of students and teachers. He was the 2017 recipient of the Adrien Pouliot Award, awarded by the Canadian Mathematical Society as a lifetime achievement award to celebrate “significant and sustained contributions to mathematics education.” He is also the author of the novel “The Math Olympian,” currently ranked #1 by GoodReads for Best Young Adult Books that Empower.
Huaizu Jiang
Assistant Professor
Prior to Khoury College, Huaizu Jiang earned his PhD at the College of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He has broad research interests, including computer vision, computational photography, natural language processing, and machine learning. His work, SuperSloMo, was recognized as one of 10 coolest papers from CVPR 2018. He received the Adobe Fellowship and NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship, both in 2019.
Felix Muzny
Clinical Instructor
Felix Muzny comes from the University of Colorado Boulder where they have been an instructor in the computer science department since 2017. While at CU, their teaching focused on software engineering, natural language processing, and introductory computer science. They have worked closely with the various undergraduate assistant programs at CU, new interdisciplinary computing efforts on campus, and have helped develop faculty mentorship programs.
Felix completed their graduate studies at Stanford where they worked on computational literary analysis with the Natural Language Processing group and the Literary Lab with professors Dan Jurafsky and Mark Algee-Hewitt. They graduated with their Master’s degree in 2016. Before that, they studied English literature and computer science at the University of Washington.
Ji-Yong Shin
Assistant Professor
Before coming to Khoury College, Ji-Yong Shin was an associate research scientist in the Department of Computer Science at Yale University. Shin’s research interests are in designing novel distributed systems and exploring practical formal verification methods that can be applied to system designs. He received his PhD from Cornell University, where he designed cloud storage systems with enhanced isolation support and a completely wireless datacenter.
Cheng Tan
Assistant Professor (Fall 2021)
Cheng Tan is a computer science PhD candidate (will graduate summer 2020) in the Courant Institute at New York University. His interests are in operating systems, networked systems, and security. His work on the Efficient Server Audit Problem was awarded best paper at SOSP 2017. His work on data center network troubleshooting at Microsoft Research has been deployed globally in more than 30 data centers in Microsoft Azure.
Ari Waldman
Professor of Law and Computer Science
Waldman will join Northeastern’s faculty as a professor of law and computer science with a joint appointment at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences and the School of Law. Professor Waldman studies asymmetrical power relations created and entrenched by law and technology, with particular focus on privacy, online harassment, and the LGBTQ community.
Before coming to Northeastern, Waldman was the Microsoft Visiting Professor at the Center for Information Technology Policy and visiting professor at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and served as a professor of law at New York Law School, where he founded the Institute for CyberSafety, a research and clinical program helping victims of online harassment obtain justice. He has also served as a visiting professor at Brooklyn Law School and Fordham University School of Law. He clerked for Judge Scott W. Stucky at the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. He holds a PhD in sociology from Columbia University, a JD from Harvard Law School, and an AB magna cum laude, from Harvard College.
Waldman is a widely published scholar, including two books, Privacy As Trust: Information Privacy for an Information Age (Cambridge University Press, 2018) and Privacy’s Vicious Cycle (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2021), and more than 25 articles published in leading law reviews and peer-reviewed journals, including Washington University Law Review, Cornell Law Review, Iowa Law Review, Indiana Law Journal, and Law & Social Inquiry. He has also written for the popular press, publishing in The New York Times, Slate, New York Daily News, and The Advocate, among others. Waldman has won numerous awards and fellowships for his scholarship. He won the Best Paper Award at the Privacy Law Scholars Conference twice, in 2017 and 2019, the Privacy Papers for Policymakers Award in 2019, and the Otto L. Walter Distinguished Writing Award in 2016 and 2019. He gave the 2018 Deirdre G. Martin Memorial Lecture on Privacy at the University of Ottawa in 2018. Elected to the American Law Institute in 2019, in the same year he was awarded a Belfer Fellowship from the Anti-Defamation League’s Center for Democracy and Technology for research into technology-facilitated intimate partner violence.