Khoury College Facilities

How our students and faculty stay one step ahead

Khoury College of Computer Sciences is constantly investing in state-of-the-art facilities and  IT systems  so our students and faculty can stay a step ahead. Our buildings house modern classrooms, collaborative meeting rooms, and cutting-edge labs and  research spaces. Our equipment and computer networks are built to ensure uptime, security, and privacy.

A home for collaboration and innovation

In Boston, Khoury College has staff, faculty, and students in multiple buildings across campus, including West Village H, EXP, ISEC, 177 Huntington, and Meserve Hall, with joint appointments housed in many other spaces associated with CAMD, CoE, CoS, Bouvé, CSSH, D’Amore-McKim, and the School of Law. 

In Oakland, Khoury College has a suite on the second floor of Carnegie Hall that supports faculty and staff and provides a place of contact for students. Students are welcome to stop by Suite 201 with questions and concerns.

West Village H

West Village H on the Boston campus is the home of the college’s Dean and Staff Collaboration Suite, which supports all Khoury College activities. The building houses multiple classrooms, a large student study lab, faculty offices, and PhD research labs, all backed by a strong  systems  infrastructure. West Village H also includes a 16-story residence hall that houses students from all Northeastern colleges. 

Classroom, labs, and offices

Khoury College’s classrooms feature a variety of settings and equipment to support the needs of different courses and projects. 

The college’s research labs and offices are clustered so the faculty are close to the students and the research. The labs typically support faculty, PhD students, postdocs, and research scientists. The interdisciplinary nature of most work at Khoury College leads to deliberate overlap in many of our labs and spaces, with multiple areas of research contributing to discovery and breakthroughs. (Key buildings are listed below.)

Each lab has access to fully equipped conference rooms and collaboration spaces, including formal meetings, break areas, and relaxation spaces. (Check Research Spaces at Khoury College for descriptions of the labs and research groups.)

Infrastructure and equipment

Khoury College frequently upgrades all computing systems and supporting infrastructure — including applications and facilities — to keep pace with industry trends and best practices, and to support student work and faculty research.


  • Computing facilities connected via layer-3 switched Ethernet multi-gigabit networks
  • Research and teaching environments serviced by local and remote clusters of dedicated servers, as well as cloud and other university resources
  • Infrastructure composed of NetApp file systems backed by solid state storage for home directories, administrative and project shares, and research volumes
  • Server room built around a large deployment of high-end Dell servers, including a pair of SSH bastion hosts used for faculty and student logins
A student works at a computer in a robotics lab

Core services

  • Identity management, web servers, configuration management, networking services, laptop loaning, technical project consulting, and academic technology consulting
  • Multiple distinct virtualization clusters for research and teaching, hosted at the Boston campus and at the MGHPCC in Holyoke
  • Rocky Linux environment used to support custom lab environments and login hosts
  • Support for student computing on Windows, Linux, and Mac personal devices with a laptop loaning library as backup for device issues
  • On-premesis and cloud classroom infrastructure built and maintained as needed for classroom instruction