Graduate Co-ops
The experience you need to get ahead
Khoury College’s graduate co-op program is built to enrich your master’s-level coursework and elevate your technical expertise through hands-on learning. Combining invaluable networking opportunities and the chance to apply newly acquired skills in an industry setting, co-ops will give you significant professional experience – and a competitive advantage for post-graduate job opportunities. Along the way, you’ll further develop the knowledge, perspective, and confidence you need to take your career to the next level.
Offering cooperative education since 1909 and ranked No. 1 nationally in co-ops*, Northeastern University is a leader in experiential learning and is one of only a few US colleges or universities that offer a cooperative education program for graduate students.
* U.S. News & World Report, 2024
If you were in a position to add talent to your organization, would this student be the type of candidate you would like to hire post-graduation?
93% of employers responded yes
Co-op employer evaluation study, academic year 2023-2024
Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the Align program
Watch this video to learn about the partnership between AWS and Khoury College, and how Khoury students benefit.
Eligibility, timing and sequence, and more
Eligibility overview
The following is an overview of some key eligibility considerations for graduate co-op. Detailed information is available for current students in the Khoury College Graduate Student Resource Center on SharePoint.
A minimum 3.0 GPA and completion of two academic semesters as a full-time student is required to start a co-op. While most students search for jobs through external sources, students with a minimum GPA of 3.2 also have access to co-op tagged positions through NUworks, Northeastern’s career portal.
Students must be full-time and in good academic standing (note that students on academic probation or with unresolved disciplinary issues are not eligible for co-op) .
Students must complete the Khoury Graduate Career Preparation Canvas course.
Timing and sequence
Students can start a co-op after completing their second semester, either as a six- to eight-month co-op or a three- to four-month co-op. If you complete a co-op, you can work a second co-op after completing at least two academic courses.
Note that per Northeastern’s US campus policy, students cannot do back-to-back co-ops in the fall and spring semesters; registration in the Co-op Work Experience course will not be approved for a fall co-op followed by a spring co-op.
Co-op timing options depend on whether you start your program in the Fall or Spring, if you’re a direct entry Master’s student or Master’s Align student, and if you decide to take a course when you’re on co-op. (Detailed information is shared with enrolled students in the Khoury College Graduate Resource Center on SharePoint. )
Co-op must be completed during approved program length. For MS direct entry, program length is 28 months; for MS Align, program length is 36 months. Program extensions will not be approved for additional experiential learning experiences since they are not necessary for program completion. Students can’t graduate while on co-op.
Accepting or declining a job offer
We encourage you to carefully consider and discuss offers with your coordinator before accepting a job. A verbal acceptance is binding — once you accept a co-op position, you cannot change your mind.
Responding to all offers and opportunities to interview is important, even when declining. We suggest thanking the employer for their interest and letting them know that you accepted a position better aligned with your current career goals. If interested, you should ask to stay in touch for future co-op, internship, or full-time opportunities.
Salary expectations
Employers make salary decisions based on the type of position, location, student skill sets, and industry. While Khoury co-op coordinators provide suggested salary guidelines to employers, these are averages and some industries may be higher or lower.
Co-op for international students
International students who wish to participate in a co-op or internship must receive authorization from the Office of Global Services (OGS) before taking part in any work experiences.
Please review the Curricular Practical Training (CPT) requirements on the OGS website. Students on F-1, J-1, and other visas that allow CPT are permitted to go on co-op. Upon accepting a job, you must complete the CPT Authorization Request Form and follow the instructions for work authorization. You should work closely with your co-op coordinator and OGS during this process.
While many employers hire international students or permanent residents, some (such as government contractors requiring US security clearance) are unable to do so. You may choose to consider a “home country co-op” and return to your country of origin during the six-month work period. This does not affect your CPT authorization, and for some students it provides a welcome “vacation” from studying away from home. If considering this option, discuss it with your co-op coordinator as early as possible.
Graduate co-op policies
Co-op and academic credit
Students do not receive academic credit for co-ops. However, after you accept a co-op, notify your co-op coordinator and create your Experiential Work record in NUworks. Then the Registrar registers you for Co-op Work Experience (CS6964). Students receive an “S” (satisfactory) grade if the work experience was successfully completed. If the experience ended early or if a student was unprofessional, a “U” (unsatisfactory) grade may be assigned.
TA policy
While enrolled in the full-time or half-time Co-op Work Experience course, you cannot also be a Khoury College teaching assistant (TA)/grader.
Co-op following a leave of absence
Going on co-op immediately following a leave of absence (LOA) is not permitted. For more information on returning to campus following a LOA, visit the registrar’s website.
Frequently asked questions
What are the work hour requirements for a full-time co-op position?
For a position to qualify as a full-time co-op, it must be 32 or more hours of work per week.
Can a student do back-to-back co-ops in the fall and spring semesters?
The policy at Northeastern University’s US campuses does not approve of back-to-back co-ops, meaning you can’t work in co-op positions during both the fall and spring semesters consecutively. Registration in the Co-op Work Experience course will not be approved for a fall co-op followed by a spring co-op.
What are some typical co-op jobs?
Co-op jobs and internships depend on industry demand and vary from semester to semester. Khoury co-op coordinators develop, review, and approve each job to ensure it’s an appropriate learning experience, but otherwise set no restrictions regarding the types of co-op jobs available. They target a range of industries, including software development, network security, project management, web design, and more.
Can a student work part-time and still be eligible for the co-op program?
Yes, you can work part-time with 16 to 31.9 hours per week, provided you’re also enrolled in at least one academic course of 4 credits during the fall or spring semester.
Do co-op positions need to be paid?
Co-op positions can be either paid or unpaid. If the position is paid, it must compensate through a W-2 form, not as a 1099 independent contractor.
Can students be hired as an independent contractor for a co-op position?
No, students can’t be hired on co-op as independent contractors.
Is there a difference between an internship and a co-op at Northeastern University?
No, an internship is treated the same as a co-op. Regardless of the job title, such as intern or internship, it is categorized under co-op experience.