Essentials of Programming
Languages Second
Title: Essentials of Programming
Languages -- 2nd ed.
Authors: Daniel
P. Friedman, Mitchell Wand, and Christopher
T. Haynes
Publisher: MIT
ISBN: 0-262-06217-8
Format: 389 pages, hardback
Library: QA76.7.F73 2001
Copyright: 2001
MIT Press: on-line
order page.
Table of Contents, Foreword, Preface: in postscript.
Code: in tar,
zip, and directory
The contents of all code figures is provided, as well as
files ending in -init.scm
that implement Scheme language extensions needed to run the
book's code in popular Scheme implementations (Chez, DrScheme,
Larceny, SCM, and Scheme48). The README file
describes the code directory contents.
Errata: in plain text,
with some pages from Appendix A to
clarify error corrections.
First edition: old
web page.
For users of ML or OCAML: in html.
Email distribution list: eopl-teachers@cs.indiana.edu
provides a discussion forum for users of this text, with an archive of
correspondence. Email eopl-teachers-request@cs.indiana.edu
if you would like to be added to or deleted from this list.
Related links
Let us know if you have material that might be added to this
- Webs of courses using this text (or in some cases the
first edition)
- C311:
Introduction to Programming Languages, at Indiana
- CS312 Programming
Language Design, Washington & Lee University
- CS380: Organization of Programming Languages, at Seattle University
- B521:
Programming Languages, at Indiana University
- Comp311:
Principles of Computing and Programming, at Rice
- COM3351:
Principles of Programming Languages, at
Northeastern University
- CS722-F:
Principles of Programming Languages, at National
Technological University
CS217: Programming Languages, at Carleton College
CS455: Programming Systems and Languages,
at Washington University
CPSC 311 Definition of Programming Languages, at University of
British Columbia
CPSC 511 Porgramming Languages, at University of British
- CS330:
Concepts of Programming Languages, at Brigham
Young University
- Com
S342: Principles of Programming Languages, at
Iowa State
- CS345:
Programming Languages, at the University of Texas
- C311:
Programming Languages, at Indiana University
South Bend
- CS450:
Organization of Programming Languages, University
of Hawaii at Hilo
- 20504:
Workshop: Essentials of Programming Languages
at The Open University of Israel
- CS173:
Programming Languages, Brown University
- EECS761
Programming Language Paradigms, University of Kansas