Workshop: How to Design Class Hierarchies

Viera K. Proulx

July 23, 2004

©2004 Felleisen, Flatt, Findler, Gray, Krishnamurthi, Proulx

Goals of the Workshop

Program design in the context of object-oriented language (Java), with the focus on the design of class hierarchies to represent data and on designing methods for these hierarchies.

The Daily Routine

We start with a morning lecture at 8:00 am each morning and follow with a lab. The lunch break is from noon till 1:15 pm. The afternoon starts with a lecture, again followed by more lab time. The goal is to wrap up each day by 5:00 pm.

We will be working on Unix workstations, using ProfessorJ languages within the DrScheme programming environment. Each of you will get an individual account. You should save your data on a diskette (provided) or e-mail it to your home account.

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