import tester.*; import java.util.*; class Algorithms { /* Here is a very complicated way of implementing the map function for ArrayLists. It uses all that we have learned in Java so far, but is incredibly hard to understand. In DrRacket, if map has not been provided, we would implement it as follows: ;; my-map: [Listof T] (f:T -> R) -> [Listof R] (define (my-map tlist, fcn) (cond [(empty? tlist) empty] [(cons? tlist) (cons (fcn (first tlist)) (my-map (rest tlist) fcn))])) The first cond clause defines the base case, the second part, for every item in the list applies the given function to each element of the list and accumulates the result with the result already computed. (Well, it does it backwards, but you get the idea.) So, to design a similar method we need to define the BASE CASE, figure out how to UPDATE the result with every new element we extract from the list -- this is the 'Computation' part. The other part of the 'loop function' is 'Traversal' - here we need to be able to know whether to continue or not (the (empty? tlist) CONTINUAION QUESTION) and be able to extract CURRENT element and ADVANCE to the remaining items in the list. */ // produce an ArrayList from the given one by applying the given function // to every object in the given ArrayList ArrayList map(ArrayList tlist, T2R fcn) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); // BASE CASE return mapNext(tlist, fcn, result, 0); } // produce an ArrayList from the given one by applying the given function // to every object in the given ArrayList, starting at the given index, // and accumulating the given partial result ArrayList mapNext(ArrayList tlist, T2R fcn, ArrayList result, int index) { if (tlist.size() == index) { // CONTINUATION QUESTION return result; } else { // UPDATE (the next line) result.add(fcn.apply(tlist.get(index))); // CURRENT (tlist.get(index) return mapNext(tlist, fcn, result, index + 1); // ADVANCE (index + 1) } } /* Java provides for us a language construct (statement) that encapsulates the traversal over a typical data structure of elements of the same type. It is commonly known as 'for-each loop' and is defined as follows: for(T t:tlist) { } which means that it will extract elements of the type T from the data collection 'tlist' one at a time, and for each of these it will perform the statements enclosed in the curly braces.Within the curly braces we can refer to the current element with the variable name 't'. Of course, the names 'tlist' and 't' are whatever we choose. Using the 'for-each' loop our method becomes much simpler and is much more readable: */ // produce an ArrayList from the given one by applying the given function // to every object in the given ArrayList ArrayList mapForEach(ArrayList tlist, T2R fcn) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); // BASE CASE for(T t:tlist) { result.add(fcn.apply(t)); // UPDATE using CURRENT } return result; } } // produce an item of the type R from the given item of the type T interface T2R { R apply(T t); } // produce the length of the given String class StringLength implements T2R { public Integer apply(String s) { return s.length(); } } class ExamplesAlgorithms { T2R slength = new StringLength(); Algorithms algo = new Algorithms(); ArrayList slist = new ArrayList(); ArrayList ilist = new ArrayList(); void init() { slist.clear(); slist.add("arrivederci"); slist.add("bye"); slist.add("ciao"); slist.add("hello"); ilist.clear(); ilist.add(11); ilist.add(3); ilist.add(4); ilist.add(5); } // test the method map in the class Algorithms void testMap(Tester t) { this.init(); t.checkExpect(, slength), this.ilist); this.init(); t.checkExpect(algo.mapForEach(this.slist, slength), this.ilist); } public static void main(String[] argv) { ExamplesAlgorithms ea = new ExamplesAlgorithms();; } }