CHANGES 2013-02-25 - Added Elastica\Bulk class responsible for performing bulk requests. New bulk requests implemented: Client::deleteDocuments(), Bulk::sendUdp() 2013-02-20 - Release candidate 2013-02-14 - Added factory for transports that is used by the Connection class - The transport instances now has support for parameters that can be injected by specifying an array as a transport when creating the Elastica client 2013-02-08 - Terms->setScript() Added, namespace Elastica\Facet 2013-01-31 - Removed deprecated method Type::getType() - Removed deprecated old constructor call in Filter\GeoDistance::__construct() - Removed deprecated method Filter\Script::setQuery() - Removed deprecated methods Query\QueryString::setTieBraker() and Query\QueryString::setQueryString() - Removed deprecated methods Query\Builder::minimumShouldMatch() and Query\Builder::tieBreaker() 2013-01-25 - Add get/set/has/remove methods to Document - Add magic methods __get/__set/__isset/__unset to Document - Document::add method became deprecated, use set instead - Populate document id created by elasticsearch on addDocument()/addDocuments() call if no document id was set - Populate updated fields in document on Client::updateDocument() call if fields options is set 2013-01-24 - Added serialization support. Objects can be added to elastica directly when a serializer callable is configured on \Elastica\Type 2013-01-21 - Added Thrift transport. Ir requires installing munkie/elasticsearch-thrift-php package and elasticsearch-tranport-thrift plugin should be installed in elastcisearch 2013-01-13 - Add version option to Elastica_Search::search - Remove compatibility for PHP 5.2 - Changed all syntax using namespaces, in compliance with PSR-2. - Usage of composer for lib and test autoloading - Added PHPUnit as a dev dependency in composer.json - All tests were rewritten for new syntax. - All tests where moved in Elastica\Test namespace - All tests now inherit from Elastica\Test\Base - Removed all executable flags on files where not needed. - Update to elasticsearch 0.20.2 - Refactored Elastica_Script and added it support in Elastica_Query_CustomFiltersScore, Elastica_Query_CustomScore and Elastica_Filter_Script - Refactored Elastica_Client::updateDocument() method to support partial document update. $data can be Elastic_Script, Elastic_Document or array. - Elastica_Type::updateDocument() now takes Elastica_Document instead of Elastica_Script (BC break). Script can be set to document to perform script update. 2012-12-23 - Elastica_Client config param "servers" to "connections" renamed. "headers" and "curl" are now a config param inside "connections" - Elastica_Connection added to allow connection management (enabled / disable) - Refactoring of Elastica_Request. Takes Elastica_Connection in constructor instead of Elastica_Client - Elastica_Transport refactored - Elastica_Log refactored - Renamed Elastica_Exception_Client to Elastica_Exception_Connection - Use Elastica_Connection for the following constants: DEFAULT_PORT, DEFAULT_HOST, DEFAULT_TRANSPORT, TIMEOUT 2012-11-28 - Added Elastica_Filter_GeoDistanceRange filter 2012-11-23 - Simplified Elastica_Document data handling by extending Elastica_Param 2012-11-10 - Added Elastica_Cluster_Health, Elastica_Cluster_Health_Index and Elastica_Cluster_Health_Shard which wrap the _cluster/health endpoint. - Added Elastica_Document::setId() - Added options parameter to Elastica_Type::getDocument() - Added Elastica_Query_Filtered::getFilter() 2012-10-30 - Elastica_Search implement Elastica_Searchable interface 2012-10-28 - Add Elastica_Filter_HasParent and Elastic_Query_HasParent 2012-08-11 - Release v0.19.8.0 - Elastica_Query_Prefix added 2012-07-26 - Change Elastica_Filter_GeoDistance::__construct(), accepts geohash parameter (BC break, before: ($key, $latitude, $longitude, $distance), after: ($key, $location, $distance) where $location is array('lat' => $latitude, 'lon' => $longitude) or a geohash) 2012-07-17 - Changed naming for several methods to camelCase - Enforced PSR1 code style, as per - Added Elastica_Script::toArray - Added Elastica_ScriptFields - Elastica_Query::setScriptFields now takes Elastica_ScriptFields or associative array as argument, the old implementation was bogus. 2012-06-24 - Simplify Elastica_Type::search and Elastica_Index::search by using Elastica_Search - Implement Elastica_Filter_Abstract::setCache and Elastica_Filter_Abstract::setCacheKey - Add Elastica_Param::hasParam - Remove unsupported use of minimum number should match for Boolean Filter - Remove old style path creation through params in Elastica_Index::create and Elastica_Search::search 2012-06-22 - Add Elastica_Filter_Limit - Add getters+setters for Index Setting blocks 'read', 'write' and 'metadata' - Add Elastica_Filter_MatchAll 2012-06-20 - Facet scope added 2012-06-09 - Change $_parent to null to also support 0 for an id - Fix Elasitca_Document->toArray() 2012-05-01 - Release v0.19.3.0 - MoreLikeThis Query in Elastica_Document - Add query param for request (allows GET params) 2012-03-04 - Node info call update. The receive os info and more, param is needed. By default, only basics are returned - Release v0.19.0.0 which is compatible with ES 0.19.0 2012-02-21 - Allow percolate queries in bulk requests - Fix memory leak in curl requests 2012-01-23 - Packagist added 2012-01-15 - Vagrantfile for vagrant environment with elasticsearch added. Run: vagrant up 2012-01-08 - Allow to set curl params over client config #106 #107 - Add the possiblity to add path or url in config for a request #120 2012-01-04 - Elastica_Index::exists() and Elastica_Cluster::getIndexNames() added 2012-01-01 - Elastica_Cluster_Settings added - Read only feature for cluster and index added. This feature is elasticsearch >0.19.0 only. ES 0.19.0 release is not out yet 2011-12-29 - Elastica_Type::deleteByQuery implemented 2011-12-20 - Release v0.18.6.0 2011-12-19 - Percolator for Type and Documents added 2011-12-06 - Elastica_Percolator added. See tests for more details 2011-12-02 - Rename Elastica_Type::getType() to Elastica_Type::getName(), getType() is now deprecated 2011-12-01 - Elastica_Filter_Term::addTerm renamed to setTerm, Elastica_Filter_Term::setTerm renamed to setRawTerm - Elastica_Query_Term::addTerm renamed to setTerm, Elastica_Query_Term::setTerm renamed to setRawTerm 2011-11-30 - Release v0.18.5.0 2011-11-28 - Elastica_Filter_Nested added 2011-11-26 - Elastica_Search::addIndices(), Elastica_Search::addTypes() added 2011-11-20 - Release v0.18.4.1 - Elastica_Log added for logging. Has to be passed as client config to enable - Elastica blogging introduced: 2011-11-17 - Release v0.18.4.0 - Support for Travis CI added: 2011-11-07 - Elastica_Index_Stats added 2011-11-05 - Elastica_Query_Nested added 2011-10-29 - TTL for document and mapping added 2011-10-28 - Refactored Elastica_Query_CustomScore::addCSParam to ::addParams - Rename Elastica_Query_CustomScore::addParam to ::addCSParam - Release v0.18.1.0 2011-10-20 - Release v0.17.9.0 - Elastica_Filter_Type added 2011-10-19 - Elastica_Query_CustomFilterScore added 2011-10-15 - API Documentation changed to DocBlox 2011-10-10 - Bug fixing - Release v0.17.8.0 added 2011-09-19 - Release v0.17.7.0 added - Release v0.17.6.1 added 2011-09-18 - Elastica_Exception_ExpectedFieldNotFound renamed to Elastica_Exception_NotFound 2011-08-25 - Https transport layer added 2011-08-22 - Typo in Terms query fixed (issue #74) 2011-08-15 - Refactoring HTTP connection to keep alive connection -> speed improvement during using the same client - Release v0.17.6.0 added 2011-08-09 - Automatic creation of id for documents added. This was more a bug - Release v0.17.4.0 added 2011-08-08 - Elastica_Query_Text added - Params (constructor) of Elastica_Filter_GeoBoundingBox changed (array instead of single params) 2011-08-07 - Elastica_Query_MoreLikeThis added by @juneym. Still work under progress - Refactoring Queries and Filters to use Elastica_Param. Adding tests 2011-08-05 - Elastica_Filter_Abstract enhanced for more general usage (set/get/addParam(s)) added 2011-08-04 - Release v0.17.3.0 added - Elastica_Index_Settings::set/get response updated. get('...') does not require 'index.' in front anymore - Nodes and Cluster shutdown added - Elastica_Node::getIp() and getPort() added 2011-07-30 - Readd merge_factor to settings. Now working as expected. Index has to be closed first. 2011-07-29 - Release tag v0.17.2.0 added. Elastica is compatible with elasticsearch 0.17.2 2011-07-22 - Elastica_Index_Settings::getMergePolicyMergeFactor and set removed because of enhanced merge policy implementation in ES 0.17.0 - Release tav v0.17.1.0 added 2011-07-21 - Elastica_Query_HasChild and _parent feature added by fabian - Elastica_Filter_GeoBoundingBox added by fabian 2011-07-20 - Elastica_Query_Builder added by chrisdegrim 2011-07-19 - Release tag v0.17.0.0 added. Elastica is compatible with elasticsearch 0.17.0 2011-07-18 - ResultSet::hasFacets added - QueryString useDisMax added 2011-07-15 - Facet/DateHistogram and Facet/Historgram added - Documentation pages added unter - Release tag v0.16.4.0 added 2011-06-19 - Add support for multiple servers to Elastica_Client (issue #39) 2011-06-16 - Support for multiple index, type queries and _all queries added through Elastica_Search object - Elastica_Index::clearCache added to clean cache - Elastica_Index::flush added 2011-06-07 - Elastica_Index::setNumberOfShards removed as not supported after creating index 2011-05-11 - Refactor client constructor. Elastica_Client::__construct(array $config) now takes a config array instead of host and port 2011-05-08 - Elastica_Query_QueryString::escapeTerm move to Elastica_Util::escapeTerm 2011-04-29 - Added getParam to Elastica_Result that more values can be retrieved from the hit array - Elastica_Filter_Ids added - getMergePolicyMergeFactor and getRefreshInterval to Elastica_Type_Settings added. If no value is set, default values are returned 2011-04-28 - Release of version (see new version naming structure in README) 2011-04-27 - Refactoring of Elastica_Type::setMapping. No source parameter anymore. - Elastica_Type_Mapping object introduced to set more fine grained mapping 2011-04-17 - Elastica_Filter_Exists added 2011-04-14 - Elastica_Type getCount replace by count() - Count has now optional query parametere 2011-04-01 - Renaming of functions in Elastica_Query_Terms and Ela-stica_Query_Filter to fit new naming convention. setTerms, addTerm have different API now! 2011-03-31 - Deprecated code removed - Break backward compatibility to 0.15.1 (versions introduced by wlp1979) 2011-03-30 - Filtered query introduced - setRawArguments in Elastica_Query is now setParam - open / close for index added - Remove Elastica_Filter and Elastica_Facets because not needed anymore 2011-03-29 - Renaming Elastica_Filter->addQuery, addFilter to setQuery, setFilter - Add parts of Facets API - Add facet Terms - Renaming Elastica_Query->addFilter to setFilter 2011-03-24 - Renaming of Elastica_Status_Index to Elastica_Index_Status => API Change! - IndexSettings added for improved bulk updating 2011-03-21 - Node object added - Node_Info and Node_Stats added - Refactoring of Cluster object 2011-03-13 - changes.txt introduced - getResponse in Elastica_Response renamed to getData. getResponse now deprecated - Index status objects added - getIndexName in Elastica_Index renamed to getName. getIndexName is deprecated