from __future__ import division import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import random class ARS(): ''' This class implements the Adaptive Rejection Sampling technique of Gilks and Wild '92. Where possible, naming convention has been borrowed from this paper. The PDF must be log-concave. Currently does not exploit lower hull described in paper- which is fine for drawing only small amount of samples at a time. ''' def __init__(self, f, fprima, xi=[-4,1,4], lb=-np.Inf, ub=np.Inf, use_lower=False, ns=50, **fargs): ''' initialize the upper (and if needed lower) hulls with the specified params Parameters ========== f: function that computes log(f(u,...)), for given u, where f(u) is proportional to the density we want to sample from fprima: d/du log(f(u,...)) xi: ordered vector of starting points in wich log(f(u,...) is defined to initialize the hulls use_lower: True means the lower sqeezing will be used; which is more efficient for drawing large numbers of samples lb: lower bound of the domain ub: upper bound of the domain ns: maximum number of points defining the hulls fargs: arguments for f and fprima ''' = lb self.ub = ub self.f = f self.fprima = fprima self.fargs = fargs #set limit on how many points to maintain on hull self.ns = 50 self.x = np.array(xi) # initialize x, the vector of absicassae at which the function h has been evaluated self.h = self.f(self.x, **self.fargs) self.hprime = self.fprima(self.x, **self.fargs) #Avoid under/overflow errors. the envelope and pdf are only # proporitional to the true pdf, so can choose any constant of proportionality. self.offset = np.amax(self.h) self.h = self.h-self.offset # Derivative at first point in xi must be > 0 # Derivative at last point in xi must be < 0 if not(self.hprime[0] > 0): raise IOError('initial anchor points must span mode of PDF') if not(self.hprime[-1] < 0): raise IOError('initial anchor points must span mode of PDF') self.insert() def draw(self, N): ''' Draw N samples and update upper and lower hulls accordingly ''' samples = np.zeros(N) n=0 while n < N: [xt,i] = self.sampleUpper() ht = self.f(xt, **self.fargs) hprimet = self.fprima(xt, **self.fargs) ht = ht - self.offset ut = self.h[i] + (xt-self.x[i])*self.hprime[i] # Accept sample? - Currently don't use lower u = random.random() if u < np.exp(ht-ut): samples[n] = xt n +=1 # Update hull with new function evaluations if self.u.__len__() < self.ns: self.insert([xt],[ht],[hprimet]) return samples def insert(self,xnew=[],hnew=[],hprimenew=[]): ''' Update hulls with new point(s) if none given, just recalculate hull from existing x,h,hprime ''' if xnew.__len__() > 0: x = np.hstack([self.x,xnew]) idx = np.argsort(x) self.x = x[idx] self.h = np.hstack([self.h, hnew])[idx] self.hprime = np.hstack([self.hprime, hprimenew])[idx] self.z = np.zeros(self.x.__len__()+1) self.z[1:-1] = (np.diff(self.h) - np.diff(self.x*self.hprime))/-np.diff(self.hprime) self.z[0] =; self.z[-1] = self.ub N = self.h.__len__() self.u = self.hprime[[0]+range(N)]*(self.z-self.x[[0]+range(N)]) + self.h[[0]+range(N)] self.s = np.hstack([0,np.cumsum(np.diff(np.exp(self.u))/self.hprime)]) = self.s[-1] def sampleUpper(self): ''' Return a single value randomly sampled from the upper hull and index of segment ''' u = random.random() # Find the largest z such that sc(z) < u i = np.nonzero(self.s/ < u)[0][-1] # Figure out x from inverse cdf in relevant sector xt = self.x[i] + (-self.h[i] + np.log(self.hprime[i]*(*u - self.s[i]) + np.exp(self.u[i]))) / self.hprime[i] return [xt,i] # from __future__ import division # import numpy as np # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # from ars import ARS ###################################### # Example 1: sample 10000 values # from the normal distribution N(2,3) ###################################### def f(x, mu=0, sigma=1): """ Log Normal distribution """ return -1/(2*sigma**2)*(x-mu)**2 def fprima(x, mu=0, sigma=1): """ Derivative of Log Normal distribution """ return -1/sigma**2*(x-mu) x = np.linspace(-100,100,100) ars = ARS(f, fprima, xi = [-4,1,40], mu=2, sigma=3) samples = ars.draw(10000) plt.hist(samples, bins=100, normed=True) ###################################### # Example 2: sample 10000 values # from a gamma(2,0.5) ###################################### def f(x, shape, scale=1): """ Log gamma distribution """ return (shape-1)*np.log(x)-x/scale def fprima(x, shape, scale=1): """ Derivative of Log gamma distribution """ return (shape-1)/x-1/scale x = np.linspace(-100,100,100) ars = ARS(f, fprima, xi = [0.1,1,40], lb=0, shape=2, scale=0.5) samples = ars.draw(10000) plt.hist(samples, bins=100, normed=True) ###################################### # Example 3: sample 10000 values # from a beta(1.3,2.7) distribution ###################################### def f(x, a=1.3, b=2.7): """ Log beta distribution """ return (a-1)*np.log(x)+(b-1)*np.log(1-x) def fprima(x, a=1.3, b=2.7): """ Derivative of Log beta distribution """ return (a-1)/x-(b-1)/(1-x) x = np.linspace(-100,100,100) ars = ARS(f, fprima, xi = [0.1, 0.6], lb=0, ub=1, a=1.3, b=2.7) samples = ars.draw(10000) plt.hist(samples, bins=100, normed=True)