CS6220 Unsupervised Data Mining

HW4 Tensor Flow : Classification, Autoencoders, Word Embedding, Image Features, LSTM

Make sure you check the syllabus for the due date. Please use the notations adopted in class, even if the problem is stated in the book using a different notation.

We are not looking for very long answers (if you find yourself writing more than one or two pages of typed text per problem, you are probably on the wrong track). Try to be concise; also keep in mind that good ideas and explanations matter more than exact details.

Submit all code files Dropbox (create folder HW1 or similar name). Results can be pdf or txt files, including plots/tabels if any.

"Paper" exercises: submit using Dropbox as pdf, either typed or scanned handwritten.

DATATSET : SpamBase: emails (54-feature vectors) classified as spam/nospam

DATATSET : 20 NewsGroups : news articles

DATATSET : MNIST : 28x28 digit B/W images

DATATSET : FASHION : 28x28 B/W images


PROBLEM 1: Setup Tensor Flow, run few demos

The complete instructions for installing tensorflow can be found at: https://www.tensorflow.org/install
Following is an example of installing tensorflow on Linux/(Mac) using Conda and Python3.8.3
(Why Conda? It's a good habit to isolate Python environment to prevent potential package conflicts. Conda is a tool that does the job.)

- Install conda virtual environment (optional)
Please follow the instruction in the link below:
After you successfully install conda, you can create an environment:
$ conda create --name mynev
$ conda activate myenv
(NOTE: Replace 'myenv' with your environment name.)

- Install tensorflow (current version: 2.4.1) via pip
$ pip install tensorflow

- Test if tensorflow is installed properly
$ python
# Following is testing code
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> print(tf.__version__)

Till now, all the development environment is set up properly.

PROBLEM 2 : NNet supervised classification

A) For MNIST dataset, run a TF in supervised mode (train/test) and report results
B) TF classification for 20NG
C) Extra Credit. Run TF classification for MNIST using an Nvidia GPU

PROBLEM 3 : Autoencoders

For each one of the datasets MNIST, 20NG, SPAMBASE, FASHION, run TF as an autoencoder with a desired hidden layer size (try K=5,10, 20, 100, 200- what is the smaleest K that works?). Verify the obtained reencoding of data (the new feature representation) in several ways:
  • repeat a classification train/test task , or a clustering taks
  • examine the new pairwise distances dist(i,j) agains the old distances obtained with original features (sample 100 pairs of related words)
  • examine the top 20 neighbours (by new distance) set overlap with old neighbours, per datapoint
  • for images, rebuild the image form output layer and draw to look at it

  • PROBLEM 4 : Word Vectors

    On 20NG, run word-verctors embedding into 300 dimensions using a Tensor Flow setup. You can use this Word2Vec tutorial
    Evaluate in two ways:
  • given a word (from TA live during the demo), output the most similar 20 words based on embedding distance of your choice like cosine, euclidian, etc. Compare the 20 most similar words with the top 20 words by distance on Google word embeddings ( word2vec embeddings)
  • use a visulaizer that loads your embedding, projects it in 3 dimmensions and displays the words, for example TF projector

  • PROBLEM 5 EXTRA CREDIT: Image Feature Extraction

    Run a Convolutional Neural Network in Tensor Flow to extract image features. In practice the network usually does both the feature extraction and the supervised task (classification) in one pipeline.


    Run a Recurrent Neural Network /LSTM in Tensor Flow to model word dependecies/order in text. Can be use for translation, next-word prediction, event detection etc.
    LSTM article