Here's how to submit your picture for the class photo gallery:
I would prefer you do this in groups. Go out and take each other's pictures. This is more fun than just submitting a picture you happen to have, but you don't have to do it this way.
I'll post the results in the class gallery.
Please follow these directions exactly. We have 40 of these to process, so if you turn in something that differs from these specs, it will be returned to you with minimal feedback.
Note: Submitting this picture is an obligation in
this course. The pictures will be used by me and the grader, and will
be posted in the class photo album on the web. If you prefer not to
have your picture included in the class photo album, please notify me
privately by email.
--Prof. Wand
Last modified: Tue Dec 6 13:40:33 EST 2005