Problem 1: CCIS Account

For the purposes of this class you will need to have a valid CCIS account. Please visit CCIS Account Creation click on the top right corner on the text "Apply for an Account" and follow the instructions there in order to create your CCIS account.

Your CCIS account will provide you access to all student-available CCIS resources. See the CCIS Howto pages for information on how to access your CCIS email, create personal web pages, and the other resources available to you from the department.

Problem 2: CCIS Github

The department runs a local version of GitHub. When you created your CCIS account, you also received an acccount on the CCIS GitHub server. Use your CCIS login and password to access the CCIS GitHub Server.

Problem 3: Git

We will be using Git throughout the course to both submit homework assignments and to keep track of your work. Please make sure you download and install Git for your machines:

Git is a large piece of software and there are plenty of online resources about Git that you can read in order to learn Git in detail. For the purposes of this class we will use a subset of Git's features.

For a nice introduction to Git and dealing with Git conflicts, read Prof. Wand's slides on Introduction to Git and Dealing with Conflicts in Git. If you would like to learn more on Git you can read the Git Book, available for free online.

Problem 4: Piazza

We will be using Piazza for all email communication and online discussion. Visit the class's Piazza page and register.

Once you have registered on Piazza send a private message to the course staff and include the following information

  1. Your full name as it appears on your transcript.
  2. Your CCIS login name.
  3. Your preferred email address. Make sure your provide an email address that you check regularly.

Be warned, if you do not send the staff this information we will not be able to configure your account for homework assignments.

Problem 5: Machine Setup

Complete Lab 1: Machine Setup for CS5600