C Intro (Part II)


  • Assert and Assignment 1
  • Pointers
  • Memory Model for C programs
  • Header Files
  • C preprocessor

Assert and Assignment 1

  • Use assert.h library and assert for tests

Assert and Assignment 1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

int fact(int n) {
  if (n == 1 || n == 0) {
    return 1;
  } else {
    return n * fact(n - 1);

int main(void) {
  // fact tests
  assert(fact(0) == 1);
  assert(fact(1) == 1);
  assert(fact(5) == 120);

  return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h> (1)

int fact(int n) {
  if (n == 1 || n == 0) {
    return 1;
  } else {
    return n * fact(n - 1);

int main(void) {
  // fact tests
  assert(fact(0) == 1);
  assert(fact(1) == 1);
  assert(fact(5) == 120);

  return 0;
  1. include assert.h

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h> (1)

int fact(int n) {          (2)
  if (n == 1 || n == 0) {
    return 1;
  } else {
    return n * fact(n - 1);

int main(void) {
  // fact tests
  assert(fact(0) == 1);
  assert(fact(1) == 1);
  assert(fact(5) == 120);

  return 0;
  1. include assert.h

  2. define all your functions before main

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h> (1)

int fact(int n) {          (2)
  if (n == 1 || n == 0) {
    return 1;
  } else {
    return n * fact(n - 1);

int main(void) {
  // fact tests        (3)
  assert(fact(0) == 1);
  assert(fact(1) == 1);
  assert(fact(5) == 120);

  return 0;
  1. include assert.h

  2. define all your functions before main

  3. inside main for each functionm write tests using assert

Pointers: Declaration and Initialization

int *p

  • p is a pointer to an int

    • think of it as: p is going to point to an integer value

  • p is declared but not initialized!
int x = 3;
int *p = &x;
  • We declare and initialize x to hold the value 3
  • We declare and initialize p to point to x
int x = 3;
int *p = &x;
diag 3175c85f288f2e0d7f3397a70115b428

What if I do not have a value to point to right now?

int *p = NULL;
  • NULL is special!
int *p = NULL;
diag 5ca238116d15378b6aaa7a53363616d6

Pointers: Dereference

int x = 3;
int *p = &x;

printf("The variable x is %d\n", x);
printf("The pointer p points to %d\n", *p);
printf("The pointer p is %p\n", p);
printf("The address of x is %p\n", &x);
printf("The address of p is %p\n", &p);
int x = 3;
int *p = &x;

printf("The variable x is %d\n", x);
printf("The pointer p points to %d\n", *p);
printf("The pointer p is %p\n", p);
printf("The address of x is %p\n", &x);
printf("The address of p is %p\n", &p);


The variable x is 3
The pointer p points to 3
The pointer p is 0xbfa01958
The address of x is 0xbfa01958
The address of p is 0xbf961ba8

Our original diagram

diag 740e4aa52b76cd0b8c85d68ab7ec77e1

p holds the address of x, i.e., &x. That is what the arrow represented.

diag 5fff90a4a75a6f859c0eb0ef7ba9e5c6

Let’s take one more step and replace the names p and x with their addresses.

diag 9b264c6cf3c295829f7024aff20b2a4f

What happens when we alter the value stored in x

int x = 3;
int *p = &x;

printf("The variable x is %d\n", x);
printf("The pointer p points to %d\n", *p);
printf("The pointer p is %p\n", p);
printf("The address of x is %p\n", &x);
printf("The address of p is %p\n", &p);

x = 500;

printf("\n\nThe variable x is %d\n", x);
printf("The pointer p points to %d\n", *p);
printf("The pointer p is %p\n", p);
printf("The address of x is %p\n", &x);
printf("The address of p is %p\n", &p);

What happens when we alter the value stored in x


The variable x is 3
The pointer p points to 3
The pointer p is 0xbfa01958
The address of x is 0xbfa01958
The address of p is 0xbf961ba8

The variable x is 500
The pointer p points to 500
The pointer p is 0xbfa01958
The address of x is 0xbfa01958
The address of p is 0xbf961ba8

Let’s go back to our images. What happened. We started with

diag 9b264c6cf3c295829f7024aff20b2a4f

Then we executed x=500 and we got

diag 0a98e919e6ae0547ffe471084d885d19

We mutated x; we deleted 3 and replaces it with 500. Any variable that was pointing to the address of x sees the update.

diag 0a98e919e6ae0547ffe471084d885d19

Dereferencing NULL

What happens when we run this code?

int *p1;
int *q = NULL;

printf("What does p1 point to? %d\n", *p1);
printf("What does q point to? %d\n", *q);

What happens when we run this code?

int *p1;
int *q = NULL;

printf("What does p1 point to? %d\n", *p1);
printf("What does q point to? %d\n", *q);


What does p1 point to? -1079514593
zsh: segmentation fault  ./a.out

Pointers and Arrays

  • Arrays are formed by placing the elements contiguously in memory.
int array[4];

array[1]; // is of type int
array;    // is a pointer to the first array element

int *p = (array + 1);  // points to array[1]
int x = array[1];      // the value at index 1
                       // what p points to!

p = p + 1;   //  moves p by one int to point to array[2]


  • Space in memory that allows for dynamic allocation and deallocation.
  • Request memory using void *malloc(size_t size)
  • Release memory using void free(void *block)
  • Reuse memory using void *realloc(void *block, size_t size)

And we need a way to tell how much memory we need for each type!

  • size_t sizeof(type), looks like a function it is not!
  • size_t sizeof expression, it is an expression.

Heap and Stack

int a[1000];   // stack allocated

int *b;

b = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int) * 1000);
assert(b != NULL);

a[100] = 7;
b[100] = 7; // we can still use [] to index the array

free(b);  // give the memory back!

Heap and Stack: function calls


Singly Linked List of int

  • Design each node, what do we have to store?
  • List needs to dynamically grow and shrink.
  • Operations

    1. Node *list_create(int element)

      • create a new list and add element
    2. void list_add(int element, Node *list)

      • add element as the first item to list
    3. int list_get_first(Node *list)

      • return the first item. List is unchanged
    4. Node *list_get_rest(Node *list)

      • return the list without it’s first item


  • Functions need to be defined before use.
  • A function prototype tells the compiler the signature. This is the declaration of a function.

    • int total_tax(int sum);

Header Files: Organizing code

  • #include <stdio.h> - grab stdio.h and paste in here.

    • Where is stdio.h?

  • We can make our own header files and include them using #include "list.h"

    • NOTE quotes instead of < >. Quotes mean relative to the source file.

  • Header files define the interface to our module for clients

    • functions and types

  • Clients

    • include our header file
    • prefix prototypes with extern (more on extern in a minute)

  • Implementors

    • include the header file
    • provide the implementation for each function prototype in the header file

  • Java coders, header files kinda like Java interfaces.


  • A .c file is one compilation unit.
  • We have seen local function variables.
  • Variables visible to all functions in a .c file.

    • define once outside any function
    • use extern to declare the use of it inside a function

#include <stdio.h>

int max;    //scope is the whole file

int is_max(int val) {
    extern int max;     /* refers to max above */

    if (max > val) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        max = val;
        return 1;

int get_max() {
    extern int max; /* refers to max above */
    return max;
  • There is also static

    • can be used for variables and functions

  • static int x

    • visible to functions in the same file as x
    • invisible to function defined outside the file where x is defined

  • similar use for functions
  • think private to the compilation unit.


  • Recall gcc -E?
  • include other files, e.g, #include <stdio.h>
  • define constants, e.g., #define SIZE 100
  • gcc has the -I argument that allows us to add more directories to search for .h files.
  • we can also

    • free/remove a definition using #undef
    • check if it is already define #ifdef or not #ifndef
    • if-else control flow with #if, #elif and #else
    • and more complex macros #define INC(x) x++

  • MACROS perform substitution with arguments unevaluated. Be careful!
