
This lab will walk you through the process of

  1. Install a virtualizer

  2. Import the CS5600 virual machine image

  3. Create your user account for the CS5600 virtual machine

Install a virtualizer

We will be using VirtualBox. The VirtualBox version at the time of this writing is 5.0.2

  1. Download and install the appropriate VirtualBox binary for your Operating System

    • Windows

    • Mac OS X

    • Linux. You might also check your Linux distribution’s package repositories for pre-packaged VirtualBox.

Download and import the CS5600 image

The course staff has created a VirtualBox image that contains a full operating system (Debian stable 32-bit) as well as all the necessary libraries and software needed for the course.

  1. Download the VirtualBox image debian-32-cs56001f15-seattle.ova to your machine.

The VirtualBox image is close to 2GB in size. Before you start the download make sure you have a good internet connection and enough space on your machine for the download.
  1. Start VirtualBox and import debian-32-cs56001f15-seattle.ova by File ▸ Import Appliance

  2. Use the select box to navigate to the location of debian-32-cs56001f15-seattle.ova and select debian-32-cs56001f15-seattle.ova

  3. Click Continue

  4. Click Import

  5. VirtualBox will start reading debian-32-cs56001f15-seattle.ova. This will take some time depending on your dekstop’s CPU and Hardrive speeds.

  6. Once the import is complete, VirtualBox will include an item on its left veritical pane witht he name "debian-32-cs5600f15-seattle" and it will be set to "Powered Off".

Creating your user account for the CS5600 virtual machine

The base image provided has not user accounts, we are going to show you how to create a new user account.

  1. Open VirtualBox and double click on "debian-32-cs5600f15-seattle" in the left vertical pane. VirtualBox will open a window and start the booting process for Debian. This will look exactly like booting a machine, but, inside a window of your running OS.

  2. Open VirtualBox and double click on "debian-32-cs5600f15-seattle" in the left vertical pane. VirtualBox will open a window and start the booting process for Debian. This will look exactly like booting a machine, but, inside a window of your running OS.

  3. Login as the administrator. The login name is root, the password is cs5600

  4. Upon successfully login in you will see the Debian XFCE desktop and a terminal window with black background and white foreground.

  5. Click in the terminal window and type adduser username. Replace username with a name that you would like to give to your user. This will be your login name. Press enter.

  6. You will be asked for a password. Set one.

  7. You will be asked to verify your password.

  8. You will be asked for

    1. Full Name. Type in your full name

    2. Room Number. You can leave this field blank.

    3. Work Phone. You can leave this field blank.

    4. Home Phone. You can leave this field blank.

    5. Other. You can leave this field blank.

  9. Once you are done with the new user creation you will be back at your prompt. Using your mouse click on Applications Menu at the top left hand corner.

  10. Select "Log Out"

  11. Click on Log Out

  12. Now you are back on the login screen.

  13. Use the credentials of the user we just created to login in as your new user.