Steven Holtzen

Assistant Professor
Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University.

PhD. Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles.


Office: West Village H Room 310D

Northeastern University
Khoury College of Computer Sciences
310D West Village H
440 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115


My research is at the intersection of programming languages and artificial intelligence. I am part of the Programming Research Laboratory at Northeastern University, and I guide the Northeastern Probabilistic Programming Laboratory (NeuPPL).

I like designing systems that make probabilistic modeling fast, accessible, and useful for solving every day reasoning tasks. My research focuses on:


Apr 17, 2024
Congratulations John on his accepted LICS paper “A Nominal Approach to Probabilistic Separation Logic”, and congratulations Poorva on her accepted PLDI paper “Bit Blasting Probabilistic Programs”.
Mar 20, 2024
I am excited to be lecturing at OPLSS in 2024 on probabilistic programming.
Sep 5, 2023
I am co-organizing LAFI 2024 at POPL 2024 in London!
Jul 3, 2023
Congratulations Minsung for his first-place finish in the PLDI 2023 Student Research Competition
Mar 1, 2023
John Li’s paper Lilac: a Modal Separation Logic for Conditional Probability was accepted to PLDI 2023.
Sep 5, 2022
I am co-organizing LAFI 2023 at POPL 2023 in Boston – please submit your work!
Jul 1, 2022
New funding: We received an NSF Formal Methods in the Field (FMiTF) award for exploring separation logic and type systems for scaling probabilistic reasoning (co-PI: Amal Ahmed). Thank you NSF!
Jan 7, 2022
Our ASPLOS paper Logical Abstractions for Noisy Variational Qantum Algorithm Simulation was selected for a IEEE Micro Top Picks Honorable Mention!
Jan 1, 2022
My advisee Ellie Cheng received a CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Honorable Mention! Congrats Ellie!
Oct 25, 2021
My advisee Ellie presented her work on optimizing probabilistic programs at PROBPROG 2021