Artificial Intelligence Prof. R. Williams EQUIVALENT PROPOSITIONAL LOGIC EXPRESSIONS In the following, p, q, and r represent arbitrary propositions, which can take on the values T(rue) and F(alse). Truth Tables: p | (not p) p q | (or p q) | (and p q) | (if p q) ------------- ----------------------------------------- F | T F F | F | F | T T | F F T | T | F | T T F | T | F | F T T | T | T | T Two expressions involving propositions are equivalent if they have the same value for each combination of values of the propositions involved. It is always possible to check whether two expressions are equivalent by using the truth tables above. In particular, we have the following equivalences: (not (not p)) is equivalent to p (if p q) is equivalent to (or (not p) q) de Morgan's Laws: (not (or p q)) is equivalent to (and (not p) (not q)) (not (and p q)) is equivalent to (or (not p) (not q)) Commutative Laws: (or p q) is equivalent to (or q p) (and p q) is equivalent to (and q p) Associative Laws: (or (or p q) r) is equivalent to (or p (or q r)) (and (and p q) r) is equivalent to (and p (and q r)) Distributive Laws: (or p (and q r)) is equivalent to (and (or p q) (or p r)) (and p (or q r)) is equivalent to (or (and p q) (and p r))