Mathematical Programming Modulo Strings
Ankit Kuman and Panagiotis Manolios.
FMCAD, 2021
We introduce TranSeq, a non-deterministic, branching transition system
for deciding the satisfiability of conjunctions of string
equations. TranSeq is an extension of the Mathematical Programming
Modulo Theories (MPMT) constraint solving framework and is designed to
enable useful and computationally efficient inferences that reduce the
search space, that encode certain string constraints and theory lemmas
as integer linear constraints and that otherwise split problems into
simpler cases, via branching. We have implemented a prototype,
SeqSolve, in ACL2s, which uses Z3 as a back-end solver. String solvers
have numerous applications, including in security, software engi-
neering, programming languages and verification. We evaluated SeqSolve
by comparing it with existing tools on a set of benchmark problems and
our experimental results show that SeqSolve is both practical and
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