Logic and Computation
CS 2800 Spring 2020

Khoury College of Computer Sciences
Northeastern University
ACL2s reference

ACL2s reference


all allp the ACL2s universe
atom atom atomic data: numbers, strings, symbols, characters, ...
symbol symbolp symbols
boolean booleanp t or nil
bool boolp alias for boolean
rational rationalp rational numbers (we make the simplifying assumption (which is not true) that all numbers are rationals)
integer integerp integers
int intp alias for integer
nat natp natural numbers (integers >= 0)
pos posp integers > 0
neg negp integers < 0
non-pos-integer non-pos-integerp integers <= 0
non-0-integer non-0-integerp integers \ {0}
non-neg-rational non-neg-rationalp rationals >= 0
pos-rational pos-rationalp rationals > 0
neg-rational neg-rationalp rationals < 0
non-pos-rational non-pos-rationalp rationals <= 0
non-0-rational non-0-rationalp rationals \ {0}
cons consp conses, constructed with cons
true-list true-listp true lists (nil terminated cons)
tl tlp alias for true-list
list listp conses or nil
non-empty-true-list non-empty-true-listp non-empty true-list
ne-tl ne-tlp alias for non-empty-true-list

Function signatures

if All x All x All -> All if test then else
equal All x All -> Bool checks if args are equal
implies All x All -> Bool implication
iff All x All -> Bool if and only if (Boolean equality)
xor All x All -> Bool xor (Boolean disequality)
= Rational x Rational -> Bool checks if args are equal
/= Rational x Rational -> Bool checks if args differ
binary-+ Rational x Rational -> Rational addition
binary-* Rational x Rational -> Rational multiplication
< Rational x Rational -> Bool less than
unary-- Rational -> Rational unary -
unary-/ Rational \ {0} -> Rational unary /
min Rational x Rational -> Rational minimum
max Rational x Rational -> Rational maximum
expt (Rational X Integer) \ {(0, i) : i < 0} exponentiation
numerator Rational -> Integer numerator
denominator Rational -> Pos denominator
mod Rational x Rational \ {0} -> Rational modular arithmetic
ceiling Rational x Rational \ {0} -> Integer ceiling of quotient
floor Rational x Rational \ {0} -> Integer floor of quotient
zp Nat -> Bool is the number = 0?
zip Int -> Bool is the number = 0?
zerop Rational -> Bool is the number = 0?
evenp Integer -> Bool is the number even?
oddp Integer -> Bool is the number odd?
endp List -> Bool is the list empty?
lendp TL -> Bool is the TL empty?
cons All x All -> All create a cons
lcons All x TL -> NE-TL create a NE-TL
car List -> All car of a list, (car nil)=nil
cdr List -> All cdr of a list, (cdr nil)=nil
left Cons -> All car of a cons
right Cons -> All cdr of a cons
head NE-TL -> All car of a tl
tail NE-TL -> All cdr of a tl
nth Nat x TL -> All nth element; nil if nat too large
nthcdr Nat x TL -> All nth cdr
binary-append TL x All -> All concatenation
bin-app TL x TL -> TL concatenation
rev ALL -> TL reverse
lrev TL -> TL reverse a list
len ALL -> Nat length of anything
llen TL -> Nat length of a true list
in ALL x TL -> Bool (in a X) checks if a is in X
del ALL x TL -> TL (del a X) deletes first occurrence of a from X (not builtin, see lecture notes)
cons-size ALL -> Nat returns the "size" of its input (see lecture notes)


== abbreviation for equal
!= abbreviation for (not (equal ...))
and arbitrary # of args, expands into ifs
or arbitrary # of args, expands into ifs
cond expand into ifs
+ arbitrary # of args, expands to binary-+
1+ expands to (+ 1 ...)
* arbitrary # of args, expands to binary-*
- 1 (unary--) or 2 (subtraction) args
1- expands to (- ... 1)
/ 1 (unary-/) or 2 (division) args
<= less than or equal, expands into <
> greater than, expands into <
>= greater than or equal, expands into <
caar (car (car ...))
cadr (car (cdr ...))
c****r Can have up to 4 a's d's and expands into nested cars/cdrs
first synonym for car
second synonym for cadr
third synonym for caddr, up to tenth supported
rest synonym for cdr
lcar synonym for head
lcdr synonym for tail
lcaar (lcar (lcar ...))
lcadr (lcar (lcdr ...))
lc****r Can have up to 4 a's d's and expands into nested lcars/lcdrs
lfirst synonym for lcar
lsecond synonym for lcadr
lthird synonym for lcaddr, up to ltenth supported
list create a truelist of 0 or more arguments, expands into cons
append append 0 or more lists, expands into binary-append
app append 0 or more lists, expands into bin-app