Here is the reading assignment for Thursday,
April 8th.
- Pnueli's Linear and Branching Structures in the
Semantics and Logics of Reactive Systems
- Lattice theory and the Tarski-Knaster Theorem
Manolios' Mu-Calculus Model Checking in ACL2
The reading assignment for Tuesday, April 13th is:
- Brace et al's Efficient Implementation of a BDD package
- Manolios and Trefler's Safety and Liveness
The reading assignment for Thursday, April 15th is:
- Paige and Tarjan's Three Partition Refinement
Algorithms (only section 3 on the relational
coarsest partition problem)
- Browne et al's Characterizing Finite Kripke
Structures in Propositional Temporal Logic
- Manolios' A Compositional Theory of Refinement