Copyright © 2021 by Pete Manolios CS 4820 Fall 2021 Homework 5. Due: 10/21 (Midnight) A. PROJECTS Everyone has to work on a project. See Piazza for a list of suggested topics. Consult with me to decide on a topic and get my approval. You have to get my approval for your project before continuing, so talk with me during the week of 10/11. After talking with me, post a short description of your project on Piazza, as a response to the *project* post. The description should outline what you plan on doing and should be <1 page. Keep the descriptions up to date, i.e., if your plan changes, update the piazza description. You can work in groups of 1-3 for projects. Project presentations will happen at the end of the semester and you have to use slides. You will have ~15 minutes for your presentation, depending on the size of your group. B. PAPER PRESENTATIONS Everyone has to give a paper presentation. Your paper presentation has to be on work related to your project, unless I explicitly allow you to choose a different topic. Start by talking with me to decide on papers and to get my approval. Presentations will happen towards the end of the semester and you have to use slides. You will have 15 minutes for your presentation. Post a short description of your class presentation on Piazza, as a response to the *presentation* post. The description should include the following information: 1. the paper(s) you are presenting 2. a brief (1 paragraph) description of why this is an interesting topic 3. an outline of you talk (1 paragraph) Keep the descriptions up to date, i.e., if your plan changes, update the piazza description. C. Elevator Pitch Be prepared to give a 3-minute overview of your presentation and project during class on 10/25. No slides are required.