Bloom Filter Calculator
Below, m denotes the number of bits in the Bloom filter, n
denotes the number of elements inserted into the Bloom filter,
k represents the number of hash functions used, and p denotes
the false positive rate.
Enter values for any combination of 2 or 3 of the parameters
below and you will get back the "optimal" values for the remaining
parameters and an informative message. The values for m,
n, and k have to be positive integers. The value
of p has to be greater than 0 and less than 1. Certain
abbreviations are allowed for (just) the value
of p, e.g., instead of ".0000000001", you can write
What is a Bloom filter?
Bloom filters are used to probabilistically and compactly
represent subsets of some universe U. A Bloom filter is
implemented as an array of m bits, uses k hash
functions mapping elements in U to [0..m), and
supports two basic operations: add and query.
Initially, all bits in the Bloom filter are set to 0. To add
u (an element of U) to a Bloom filter, the hash
functions are used to generate k indices into the array and
the corresponding bits are set to 1. A query is positive iff all
k referenced bits are 1. A negative query clearly indicates
that the element is not in the Bloom filter, but a positive query
may be due to a false positive, the case in which the
queried element was not added to the Bloom filter, but all
k queried bits are 1 (due to other additions).
The probability of false positives, p, is an important metric because
minimizing it is the key to making effective use of Bloom
filters. The analysis proceeds as follows. If q is the
probability that a random bit of the Bloom filter is 1, then the
probability of a false positive, p is qk, the probability that
all k hash functions map to a 1. If we let n be the number of
elements that have been added to the Bloom filter, then q = 1 -
(1- (1/m))nk, as nk bits were randomly selected, with
probability 1/m, in the process of adding n
elements. Broder and Mitzenmacher show
that the
probability of false positives is minimized when k is
approximately m/n loge 2.
Bloom Filter References
There are many. We recommend the following.
- This paper provides a good overview.
Network Applications of Bloom Filters: A Survey.
A. Broder and M. Mitzenmacher. Proc. of the 40th Annual Allerton
Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing,
pages 636-646, 2002.
- This paper presents recent work by myself and Peter
Dillinger that shows how one can obtain Bloom filters that
are simultaneously fast, accurate, and memory-efficient.
Bloom Filters in Probabilistic Verification.
FMCAD 2004, Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 2004.
- This is a companion paper that describes an
implementation of the ideas based on the model checker SPIN.
Fast and Accurate Bitstate Verification for SPIN.
Peter C. Dillinger and Panagiotis Manolios. In SPIN 2004,
pages 57-75, 2004.