CS U290: Logic and Computation
Fall 2008 (archived)

[Syllabus] [Lectures] [Assignments]

Announcements  (removed for archived page)


Lectures: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 4:35 PM-5:40 PM, 241 Forsyth Building

Lab: Mondays, 11:45-12:30 or 12:40-1:25, 212 West Village H

Exams: 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/5, 11/19, and 12/4, 4:35 PM-5:40 PM, 404 Robinson Hall (for space considerations)

Final exam: 12/18, 8 AM, 119 Dodge Hall
(There is no additional final exam for CSU291, the lab portion.)


Peter Dillinger, Instructor
Office: 330 W.V.H
Office hours: Mondays & Thursdays after class, Wednesdays 1:30 - 3:30 and by appointment
Email: pcd@ccs.neu.edu

Dimitrios Vardoulakis, Teaching Assistant
Office: 330 W.V.H
Office hours: Tuesdays 10-12 and by appointment
Email: dimvar@ccs.neu.edu


Students will use the ACL2s development environment for the ACL2 theorem proving system.

Home installation. If you already have Eclipse, follow the detailed install instructions. Otherwise, you can get a prepackaged Eclipse+ACL2s+ACL2.

In CCIS Labs. Refer to this page for how to find and configure ACL2s in the labs.
Also, practice your boolean logic skills in the boolean logic game.