Type Class Morphisms in Agda

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I was recently directed to the paper Type Class Morphisms by Conal Elliot, which details a technique for reasoning about designing and reasoning about typeclass instances. It repeats the following mantra:

The instance’s meaning follows the meaning’s instance.

The way I interpret it, this means you should come up with denotational semantics for an abstract data type, then prove the laws of a typeclass of interest with respect to the denotational semantics, rather than on the precise implementation.

TCM uses Haskell, which doesn’t have substantial theorem-proving abilities (yet?), so Conal does a few equational proofs by hand. I figured I would perform these proofs formally as an exercise in the Agda language, both to strengthen the technique, and see how you would approach the idea of “semantic instances”.

Abstract Data Types

TCM uses the notation abstract type to define a total map, but abstract is not a real Haskell keyword. In Agda, we would instead create a record interface to represent the abstract type and its operations:

-- Interface for total maps
record TotalMap (TMap : Set → Set → Set) : Set₁ where
    -- Operations
    constant : ∀ {K V} → V → TMap K V
    update : ∀ {K V} → K → V → TMap K V → TMap K V
    sample : ∀ {K V} → TMap K V → K → V
    unionWith : ∀ {K A B C} → (A → B → C) → TMap K A → TMap K B → TMap K C


[Note there are slight stylistic and notational differences between Agda and Haskell, prominently the use of capital letters (K, V) for type variables, and the explicit quantification (∀ {...})]

The semantic function is defined as another operation in the interface:

    -- Denotation
    ⟦_⟧ : ∀ {K V} → TMap K V → (K → V)

Since this function is part of the TotalMap interface, we cannot know how it behaves. However, we can define properties that we want to hold, using the propositional equality type _≡_. Thus we add “laws” to our interface for each equation that we wish to be true:

    -- Laws
    sem-constant : ∀ {K V} (k : K) (v : V)
      → ⟦ constant v ⟧ k ≡ v
    sem-update : ∀ {K V} (k : K) (v : V) (m : TMap K V)
      → ⟦ update k v m ⟧ k ≡ v
    sem-update≠ : ∀ {K V} (k k′ : K) (v : V) (m : TMap K V)
      → k ≢ k′
      → ⟦ update k v m ⟧ k′ ≡ ⟦ m ⟧ k
    sem-sample : ∀ {K V} (m : TMap K V) (k : K)
      → sample m k ≡ ⟦ m ⟧ k
    sem-unionWith : ∀ {K A B C} (f : A → B → C) (m : TMap K A) (n : TMap K B) (k : K)
      → ⟦ unionWith f m n ⟧ k ≡ f (⟦ m ⟧ k) (⟦ n ⟧ k)

These of course correspond closely with the equations given in TCM.


The typeclass we are building up to is Monoid; we hope to show that TMap K V forms a monoid whenever V does, as is shown in TCM. We can’t show this directly, since we know nothing about TMap or how its operations actually behave. This is why TCM introduces “semantic instances”: instances not on the data type but on the semantic interpreation of the data type.

In Agda, we need only to define a single Monoid interface. Rather than making a distinction between an instance and a “semantic instance”, we can instance parameterize each instance by an equality relation, then implement an instance using the semantic function in that relation. To illustrate, let’s first look at our definition of Monoid:

-- Interface for monoids (including laws).
record Monoid (A : Set) (_≈_ : Rel A _) : Set where
  infix 7 _⊕_
    -- Operations
    _⊕_ : A → A → A
    ∅ : A
    -- Laws
    right-identity : ∀ a → (a ⊕ ∅) ≈ a
    left-identity : ∀ b → (∅ ⊕ b) ≈ b
    assoc : ∀ a b c → ((a ⊕ b) ⊕ c) ≈ (a ⊕ (b ⊕ c))

- It’s crucial that the laws are defined using _≈_, which the implemention of the instance can choose.

Proving the Laws

In TotalMap, we first must define the relation that we are going to use:

  -- Total-map equivalence relation based on the semantic function.
  _≈_ : ∀ {K V} → Rel (TMap K V) _
  m ≈ n = ∀ k → ⟦ m ⟧ k ≡ ⟦ n ⟧ k

As you can see, we use the semantic function ⟦_⟧ rather than comparing the TMaps directly.

Our Monoid implementation begins by defining the monoid operations;

  sem-monoid : ∀ {K V} → Monoid V _≡_ → Monoid (TMap K V) _≈_
  sem-monoid value-monoid = record
    { ∅ = unit ; _⊕_ = _∪_ ; ... }

    unit = constant ∅
    _∪_ = unionWith _⊕_

The laws we must prove are then in terms of the semantic function; for instance, our right-identity proof looks like this (using the ≡-Reasoning syntax):

    right-identity : ∀ m k → ⟦ m ∪ unit ⟧ k ≡ ⟦ m ⟧ k
    right-identity m k = begin
      ⟦ m ∪ unit ⟧ k       ≡⟨ sem-unionWith _⊕_ m unit k ⟩
      ⟦ m ⟧ k ⊕ ⟦ unit ⟧ k ≡⟨ P.cong (⟦ m ⟧ k ⊕_) $ sem-constant k ∅ ⟩
      ⟦ m ⟧ k ⊕ ∅          ≡⟨ V.right-identity (⟦ m ⟧ k) ⟩
      ⟦ m ⟧ k               ∎

The other two proofs continue in a similar way:

    left-identity : ∀ m k → ⟦ unit ∪ m ⟧ k ≡ ⟦ m ⟧ k
    left-identity m k = begin
      ⟦ unit ∪ m ⟧ k       ≡⟨ sem-unionWith _⊕_ unit m k ⟩
      ⟦ unit ⟧ k ⊕ ⟦ m ⟧ k ≡⟨ P.cong (_⊕ ⟦ m ⟧ k) $ sem-constant k ∅ ⟩
      ∅ ⊕ ⟦ m ⟧ k          ≡⟨ V.left-identity (⟦ m ⟧ k) ⟩
      ⟦ m ⟧ k               ∎

    assoc : ∀ m n r k → ⟦ (m ∪ n) ∪ r ⟧ k ≡ ⟦ m ∪ (n ∪ r) ⟧ k
    assoc m n r k = begin
      ⟦ (m ∪ n) ∪ r ⟧ k             ≡⟨ sem-unionWith _⊕_ _ r k ⟩
      ⟦ m ∪ n ⟧ k ⊕ ⟦ r ⟧ k         ≡⟨ P.cong (_⊕ ⟦ r ⟧ k) $ sem-unionWith _⊕_ m n k ⟩
      (⟦ m ⟧ k ⊕ ⟦ n ⟧ k) ⊕ ⟦ r ⟧ k ≡⟨ V.assoc (⟦ m ⟧ k) (⟦ n ⟧ k) (⟦ r ⟧ k) ⟩
      ⟦ m ⟧ k ⊕ (⟦ n ⟧ k ⊕ ⟦ r ⟧ k) ≡⟨ P.sym $ P.cong (⟦ m ⟧ k ⊕_) $ sem-unionWith _⊕_ n r k ⟩
      ⟦ m ⟧ k ⊕ ⟦ n ∪ r ⟧ k         ≡⟨ P.sym $ sem-unionWith _⊕_ m _ k ⟩
      ⟦ m ∪ (n ∪ r) ⟧ k              ∎

Partial Maps

For completion, we can define the partial Map type in terms of TMap, like what was done in TCM. We’re able to reuse the monoid proofs from earlier, as well as Maybe proofs from the standard library.

  Map = λ K V → TMap K (Maybe V)
  module _ {K V} where
    open import Data.Maybe.Properties

    _‼_ : Map K V → K → Maybe V
    m ‼ k = sample m k

    _[_≔_] : Map K V → K → V → Map K V
    m [ k ≔ v ] = update k (just v) m

    map-monoid : Monoid (Map K V) _≈_
    map-monoid = sem-monoid (record { _⊕_ = _<∣>_ ; ∅ = nothing
                                    ; right-identity = <∣>-identityʳ
                                    ; left-identity = <∣>-identityˡ
                                    ; assoc = <∣>-assoc })
    open Monoid map-monoid using ()
      renaming (∅ to empty; _⊕_ to _∪_)

Further Work

The main point of this article was to show the utility of custom equality relations in a language like Agda, and how it enables techniques like Type Class Morphisms. However, there is a pretty glaring flaw in our sem-monoid signature: we do not let the parameterized monoid use a custom relation, rather we force it to use propositional-equality by specifying Monoid V _≡_.

A proper implementation would parameterize that relation as well (e.g. (_≈ᵛ_ : Rel V _) → Monoid V _≈ᵛ_); in fact, the Agda standard library takes great care to ensure that relations can be parameterized over whenever possible. While this sometimes hurts the immediate readability of standard library code, it is of great utility when you do use a custom relation, such as we did here.